Bitter Reality

Robin went to ask a guard to make warm drinks for Juan, after went back to meet Juan, Robin received information from one of the rescue teams who said they found a woman's body not far from the cliff, but they had not picked her up because of the low seawater bumpy.

Robin body trembled to hear that. "What should I tell Mr. Juan ... why all this happened"

Robin went to meet Juan with a pale face and stood behind him without saying anything.

Juan turned around and saw Robin who looked frightened with his face that looked strange, Juan asked.

"What is wrong with you..?? "

Robin just said nothing, Juan turned around not really paying attention.

But suddenly something crossed Juan's mind (wait..) and stood over to Robin and asked.

"What's the matter ... ??? Quickly say it!!!"

Because he could not contain his sadness, Robin said while shedding tears.

"I'm sorry sir ... You have to give it up."

Juan was getting confused and also curious.

"Don't beat around the bush Robin ... I don't have the patience for this!!"

Robin looked up and said.

"They have found the body ... not far from here."

At that instant, heavy rain fell and the roar of a loud thunder could be heard.

As if to add to the sad atmosphere at that time.

Juan, who was still standing, couldn't believe what he had heard.

Juan was silent as if he had no more strength to stand up and Juan's feelings were so chaotic that he lost his own life.

Juan got up then ran wanted to see it directly as he said.

"It can't be her ... it can't be her!"

Robin prevented Juan who wanted to jump off the cliff to meet hey kha.

"Calm yourself sir ... we hope that it is not Miss. Hey kha. But even if that is Miss Hey kha I hope you can accept it ... because those who have died will not be able to return again."

Juan, who heard Robin say that, immediately threw a punch to Robin's face as he said.

"How dare you say that .."

Robin told Juan.

"Hit me sir ... as you wish, sir, but I hope you can accept the reality and also think about the fate of the little young master who is still waiting for the master at home."

Juan screamed at his best to release his sadness.

Everyone who saw Juan like that was sad.

Juan slowly began to control his emotions and waited for the boat to carry the woman's body, in Juan's heart there were so many doubts.

Juan still can't believe it's hey kha's body. He waited too long,

"What are they doing?! Why haven't they arrived yet!" Juan said, annoyed.

Robin understood Juan's feelings at this time.

"Sorry sir, because the weather does not allow it. It makes it difficult for them to lift the body. They say that it is like someone is holding the body, so it is difficult to lift it!" Robin said to Juan.

"How impossible!" Juan said incredulously.

Juan rushed to the place by boat. sure enough, even that sizeable boat was very difficult to get to because of the huge axle and the wind that was a little strong.

Robin worried about Juan's safety, then suggested they just go back and wait until they managed to lift the cane corpse. yet Juan insisted on going to see it in person.

the rain started to lower a little and the wind stopped blowing hard. the sea began to calm down a little, all of them who saw it were a little amazed.

"Is this a miracle?" A bodyguard who participated in the search said.

Juan smiled at the weather that supported him.

"God seems pity for me," Juan murmured happily.

They finally arrived. Juan asked what had taken them so long to carry out the process of lifting the woman's body.

Because Juan was not very patient, finally Juan decided to dive himself and lift the body.

After jumping into the water, from a little distance Juan saw the figure of a woman with long hair floating in the cold water.

Slowly Juan approached, full of questions in his heart.

"Is that really you hey kha? If it's you, I'll be happy to accompany you here," Juan thought. He continued to approach, 'you must be very cold'.

Juan slowly pulled the body's stiff hands and lifted the hair that covered her face.

However, Juan was surprised to see a familiar face.


Juan was both sad and a little happy to see his old lover. He also hugged the woman's body.

"Jein, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to betray you! I'm sorry jein (holding tight) I'm sorry ..,"

But suddenly the woman's eyes opened and made Juan startled in disbelief.

"You betrayed me, you betrayed my trust! (While crying) why are you so heartless, Juan?!" The woman shouted.

Then she (jein) pushed Juan and slowly away. Juan tried to grab Jein's hand.

"I love you, I could not betray you!" Juan said.

The woman turned to look at Juan.

"You betrayed my trust! You also betrayed Hanna, Where's your promise?! You liar!" She said.

"In exchange, I'll kill her (hey kha)."

She also raised her right hand, and tattooed hey kha. With a wicked smile on the woman's face, she choked hey kha's neck.

Juan tried to help hey kha, but his body can't move.

"Don't ..., don't hurt her. Don't ... !!" Juan shouted.

Robin, who heard Juan's scream, rushed into Juan's room.

"Mr Juan, Mr Juan. Mr Juan," Robin called, touching Juan's hand.

Juan finally realized and looked around him.

" Where am I?" Juan asked when he opened his eyes.

"You are at home, you fainted while diving to lift up Miss Hanna's body." Robin replied.

Juan was very surprised to hear what Robin said.

"What ?? Hanna ?!"

"Yes sir, I'm sorry sir. Because I have taken care of Miss Hanna's funeral without waiting for the master to wake up," Robin said.

Juan was a little annoyed by Robin's words.

"Why don't you wait for me. I also want to escort her to her final resting place!" Juan said to Robin.

"Once again, I'm sorry sir, but Miss Hanna's body can't be left alone for too long. Because at that time, Mr. was crisis and unconscious for two days, I'm sorry if I'm being insolent for this."

Juan was even more surprised to hear that.

"2 days ?? I was unconscious for 2 days ?!" Juan asked Robin in disbelief, that he was unconscious for two days.

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