New paper in Juan's life

Time flew so quickly. Week to month and month to year and year change everything.

The continuous pain and regret that loomed over Juan's life.

"No ... no, please don't do this to me, return her to me. No ..."

Juan woke up from a nightmare that had been haunting him.

Juan turned on the light in his room and opened a desk drawer and took a glass of water.

"Where is the medicine ..."

Kept fumbling into the drawer of the bedside table but Juan did not find it.

Then it occurred to him that he had run out of sleeping pills.

Juan got up from his bed and stood on the terrace of his room, looking up at the sky.

"Time goes by so fast, but until now I haven't got any news about you. Do I really have to give up you?"

While looking up at the sky and gazing at the stars and the moon that shine brightly in the night.

Juan recalled his memories together with hey kha, when they both saw the beauty of the moon and the stars at night.

"I understand why you stood on the balcony of my room so often ... because you really like the stars and the moon. Wherever you are I always pray that you are happy .. and if our soul mate hasn't really faded away I hope there is a miracle. Where can we meet again (Hey Kha)."

The next morning Juan told the servant to clean up all his belongings because Juan will return to the city and will leave this island of memories.

"I locked myself for almost 3 years on this island, in order to relieve my guilt a little ... but it was all in vain because this guilt will be under me for the rest of my life. Forgive me Hey Kha, I will rise again from now to you and Hy Ju too .. "

Juan returned to town E and also returned to the house he left for a long time, his home together hey kha.

The servants welcomed Juan back with a big smile.

Juan slowly paid attention to the house he has left over the years.

"There is absolutely no change ..."

Juan really told the servants not to change anything in this house and also forbade moving the location of even the smallest items in this house.

Several days has passed.

Juan returned to the company and was greeted by all employees as well as Robin and Secretary Ju.

They prepare all greetings well.

Juan who saw it all said.

"Thank you all for your hard work..I really appreciate it"

While bending his body.

Everyone was surprised to see him and suddenly they all bowed too.

Juan raised his head and saw all the employees bowing their bodies, Juan smiled and laughed.

Everyone was surprised to see Juan laughing at them, all of them frozen expressionless.

Juan who saw that said.

"What are you doing .. ?? Am I that scary .. ??"

All of them just silent without a word.

Robin drew closer to Juan and said.

"They must be very surprised by the change of Mr. Juan at this time ... Who known as a cold-hearted tiger apologized and also bowed before them."

Juan, who heard Robin's words, smiled.

"It turns out that all this time I scared all my employees .."

Juan said to his employees.

"Starting today .. let's work professionally and if outside of working hours you can greet me and also chat casually because I consider you a family of the Yin company, it's just that the way I did not wear it. Next month in the month of November our company will hold a Charity event and at the same time a party for all employees to get a bonus at the end of this year..Everyone is no exception."

Everyone clapped with pleasure.

The welcoming party was over and the employees start gossiping about the change in their President Director.

"Wow, this is a miracle ... I thought that after the President returned there would be a lot of pressure, but it turns out that the President has changed from a terrible tiger to an adorable rabbit and also handsome with charisma."

Everyone was praising Juan for his change.

Juan went to his office and called Robin and Secretary Ju.

Robin and Secretary Ju entered the room, Juan approached Robin, hugging him proudly and said.

"You must be in trouble all this time ... You worked so hard to keep the company running smoothly even growing .."

Robin said to Juan.

"Mr. Juan praises me too much ... all this is also thanks to Mr. Juan, if you do not help me how could I maintain this success."

Secretary Ju said.

"That's right, Sir .."

Juan hit Robin on the shoulder while saying.

"Stupid child .. didn't I tell you to call me brother?? Why do you call me sir again .."

Robin smiled shyly as he said.

"It's not like that sir ... this is in the office. I can't possibly call you brother here .."

They smiled and began to talk about some of their companies that were outside the country.

Suddenly, the door rang and a voice called out.

"Dad ... Dad ... where are you Dad ... Hy Ju wants to be hugged".

Juan was very happy to see Hy Ju and hugged him saying.

"My adorable little child ..." grandmother, Robin and secretary Ju who saw this were very moved, even though Juan lives on the island alone and Hy Ju was cared for by Mrs. Yin but Juan never forgot to visit and sometimes invited him to live on the island together to play with him.

Hy Ju grew up to be adorable and cute too, hey ju was 3 years old was a very smart kid with so many questions that make people think hard to answer them, because before they can answer Hy Ju will not let that person go and if can't answer his questions Hy Ju will cry until he found the answer he wanted.

Maybe everyone thought he's quite a troublesome kid but for Juan, Hy Ju was a smart and adorable kid.

Hy Ju will only listen to what Juan and Mrs. Yin have to say and were often obedient to certain things.

Grandma told Juan that next Sunday they will have a banquet at the Yin's house and invite some important guests, Mrs. Yin asked if Juan can attend the event.

Robin looked at Juan expectantly because Robin and grandmother planned something at the event.

Juan agreed to that.

"Alright grandma ... I haven't greeted many people in events like this for a long time."

Grandma was very happy to hear that.

The event that was meant to arrive, there were so many important people and also girls who came to just see Juan at the event, but grandmother prepared a girl from a family who was quite respectable and also kind to Juan.

Grandma went over to Juan and introduced the girl.

"Juan .. come here kid .. introduce this is Miss Adelia Wu, she is the youngest daughter of the Uncle Wu .. Do you remember .. ??"

Juan stretched out his hand and said.

"Nice to meet you ... you grew up to be a beautiful girl."

Adelia who heard what Juan said blushed and said.

"I am also happy to meet Mr. Juan .."

Grandmother who saw the first meeting which could be said to be smooth, left them to chat. Juan who knew what grandmother was planning can only stay quiet and follow it.

He also didn't want to embarrass Adelia at the party, especially since Adelia was one of her friends' younger siblings.

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