Sweet Hy Ju

Juan invited Adelia to sit and chat, not long after Hy Ju approached them and said.

 "Dad ... what are you doing .. ?? and who is this beautiful aunt .. ??"

 Juan hugged Hy Ju as he said.

 "This is Aunt Adelia .. one of the friends of Auntie (Laura). What are you doing here .. ?? Didn't Dad tell you not to go to the party room .. ??"

 Hy Ju cutely said.

 "Hy Ju is bored daddy ... Hy Ju wants to talk to mom, come accompany Hy Ju .. don't talk to the beautiful aunt anymore .."

 Adelia was shocked to hear that and muttered in her heart (didn't Mrs. Yin and Laura said that her wife had died ?? But this).

 Juan who saw Adelia confused said.

 "I will call Laura to accompany you ... excuse me first."

 Juan left Adelia.

 The banquet party was over, Juan who left the party by bringing Hy Ju home to their house.

Arriving at the house, Juan invited Hy Ju to meet hey kha in Juan's room.

 Hy Ju got out of Juan's arms and said.

 "Mother .. Hy Ju wants to say that today Dad talked to a beautiful aunt ..."

 Hy Ju approached and said again, "Don't be afraid, mom ... even if daddy don't love you anymore, Hy Ju will still love you .."

 Juan who saw that shed tears while staring at the photo of hey kha that was displayed on the wall of his room, then lightly flicked Hy Ju's head and said.

 "You naughty brat .. come here sit in Daddy's lap"

 Hy Ju and Juan sit together while looking at the big photo of hey kha while saying.

"Look ... We live well right now, are you also happy there my wife .. ??"

 Juan's tears fell down his cheeks, Hy Ju who saw that said.

 "Don't be sad Daddy ... didn't you say if we were sad, mom would also be sad .."

 Juan, who heard what his son said, smiled as he rubbed Hy Ju's head.  "Let's go to sleep.."

 A scream could be heard from a room.

"No ... no ... no ..." A woman ran towards the room while turning on the light.

 "What's wrong? Are you get another nightmare??" While giving a glass of water to drink.

 While looking and saying.

 "It's okay Adel .. You go to rest."

 Said a woman named "Tikha" Adelia also said to Tikha.

 "I'll call Aroun .."

 Tikha who saw the worry on Adelia's face felt bad.

 "Don't bother your brother ... he must be busy right now, I don't want Aroun to leave his job because of me .."

 Tikha continued.

 "How was the party and that guy ... ??"

 Adelia told what happened during the party and also her meeting with Juan.

 "Oh .. I see, he must be a very polite and kind man."

Adelia explained to Tikha about Juan.

"Yes .. he is a very perfect, handsome, tall man who has very smooth skin .. and also kind, but unfortunately he is a very difficult man to approach .." Tikha was confused by what Adelia said.

 "What do you mean .. hard to approach how .. ?? Aren't you close like you said just now".

 Adelia said with a slightly sad feeling.

 "True .. but it's just courtesy for a woman and also respect the father ... do you know .. ?? wherever he walks, all women's eyes continue to stare at him but not a single woman can approach him ... his charm very cold and freezing. "

 Tikha, who was curious about the man's figure, asked.

"You've always mentioned him..what's that guy's name .. ??"

 Adelia answered excitedly.

"Juan .. Juan Yin"

Tikha was surprised to hear the name and suddenly her head hurt so much.

 When she heard the name Juan Yin, Tikha felt pain in hee head, Adelia, who saw this, became very panicked and called her brother Aroun, but Tikha held her hand and said.

 "I told you ... don't bother him, I don't want to worry him."

Adelia looked for Tikha medicine and told her to drink it.

A month has passed quickly. Adelia often visited the Yin's house at the request of Ms. Yin's but Adelia hardly ever meets Juan.

 Juan was very busy at the company.

 At that time Adelia visited the Yin family's house and chatted with Mrs. Yin and also Laura in the middle of the conversation Mrs. Yin said that she should immediately go to pick up Hy Ju from school, Adelia who heard about it tried to take the opportunity to approach Hey Ju.

 "Grandma let me pick up Hy Ju .. I also happen to have no job today"

 Grandma was happy to hear it and said.

 "Thank you child ... you're very kind"

 Adelia was flattered by Mrs. Yin's praise and said.

 "Thank you Grandma .. for believing in me, I'll go pick up Hy Ju now .."

 Laura went to escort Adelia to the front and said.

 "If you want to meet my brother, invite Hy Ju ... but I tell you first"

 Adelia asked.

" What is that..??"

 Laura explained what Hy Ju's true attitude was.

 "You don't immediately invite Hy Ju to meet with Juan ... later, Juan can think badly about it even though maybe not, but what's wrong with avoiding ... you have to go home past Juan's office and show hey Ju, he'll definitely invite you to meet with Juan and you don't refuse because if you refuse there is no more chance ... The little boy is very difficult to deal with, even though he's only 3 year old."

 Remembering what Hy Ju did to Laura when she was with him.

"Hy Ju love what toys do you want .. ??"

 Hy Ju answered.

 "Anything Aunt .."

 Laura who heard this was very annoyed and said.

 "Hey little kids..how many times have I told you not to call me Aunty .. I'm not even married yet, do I look like Aunts .. ??"

 Hy Ju answered flatly.

"Never mind Aunt .. don't act like that, it's not appropriate with Aunt's age .."

 Laura was very upset to hear this.

"Why grandmother told me to be with this child, please choose some toys and we hurry home.".

 They saw the game in the game shop after a long time walking around but none of the toys matched Hy Ju's taste. Laura was very annoyed and said.

 "If you don't want to buy toys why do you invite me here ??"

 Hy Ju casually said.

 "I just want to take a walk and have a look ... because I'm bored. Let's buy ice cream and go home .."

 Laura who heard Hy Ju's words was very angry, but she couldn't do anything about her nephew.

 "Why did you inherit your father's annoying nature!" Laura muttered irritably.

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