Juan And Thika's meeting

From that day on, Laura would no longer go out with Hy Ju if she wasn't force to.

Laura also warned Adelia so that she didn't act wrong.

"Don't get it wrong in what you say ... you'll be done."

Adelia smiled at what Laura said.

"Never mind, I'll go first."

After getting into the car, Adelia thought.

"I have to try, Juan. I'm really sincere to you. May God open a way for me .."

Adelia arrived at Hy Ju's school to pick him up.

Adelia approached Hy Ju, who was standing in front of the school door accompanied by security.

"Hi Hy Ju .. I came to pick you up, because Grandma is not feeling well so she can't pick Hy Ju up." Adelia said with a sweet smile on her face.

Hy Ju just said nothing and got into the car.

Adelia sighed to see Hy Ju who was so cold in response to her words.

'He really looks like Juan,' Adelia thought. On the way home, Adelia accidentally passed in front of Juan's office and Hy Ju saw it.