Meeting II

How surprised Juan was when he saw a woman who was very similar to Hey kha sitting in a wheelchair.

Juan did not expect to meet again with Hey kha after all this time, his eyes reddened, holding back his tears as he stood up and walked slowly to Tikha who was also surprised to see Juan approaching her.

Adelia and Aroun who saw him were very confused, while Hy Ju, who saw Juan walking over to Adelia, was confused.

Hy Ju hasn't seen the figure of the woman who was in the wheelchair, because of his small body and his view was blocked by Aroun and several servants in front of him.

Aroun tried to call Juan, but Juan ignored it and continued to walk towards Tikha, Adelia pushed Tikha's wheelchair to the dining table, ignoring Juan who came over to them.

Right in front of Juan, the wheelchair stopped and Juan's tears fell no longer because of the longing for the wife he had been looking for and missing every time.