Juan's doubts

Juan felt happy to hear Tikha calling his name like that, (feels warm to hear this call for so long).

 Juan asked Tikha.

 "Sorry if I am impolite to ask this to, If I could find out what makes it difficult for your legs to walk .., ??"

 Tikha stared at Juan's face for so long, Juan was just silent seeing Tikha who was looking at him with a face full of doubt.

 Juan broke the silence with laughter.

 "Hahaha ... I seem to have gone too far .."

 While scratching his head.

 Tikha just smiled and said.

 "It's okay ... you must be very curious right ... ?? But I'm sorry, this is a problem that I don't want to mention to anyone, including myself."

 Juan was silent to hear things that made his heart hurt a little.

Juan got up from his seat and said goodbye to go home.

 "Sorry for disturbing your rest time .. if you don't mind next time I'll visit you again."

 Tikha just nodded her head.

Saw Juan who walked away Tikha said to Juan.