the cause of the accident

Hey kha increasingly curious about what Juan wanted to say about Robin, it was clear visible on his face. Juan himself smiled at hey kha who was waiting for an answer and also an explanation from him.

"Are you sure you want to listen to Robin's life story and also what kind of person he is ...? Are you not afraid that when you know the true nature of Robin? You will not feel afraid or feel uncomfortable when with him ...?"

Said Juan to hey kha with a serious face, it made hey kha think not to dig up information about Robin anymore, but He was very curious about what Juan said.

(I'm very curious about what Juan will tell me, but I'm also a little afraid if it will affect my relationship and also Robin in the future..., but I really believe that Robin is a very good man and also responsible. Hm..., whatever what juan will say I have to digest it well. All of this also for the future of Adel) muttered hey kha in his reverie.