Impose themselves

Hey Kha's face changed when she heard what Juan said. Juan himself was still confused by his attitude.

What's more, hey kha looked suspiciously at him. Juan felt hey kha as if afraid of him at that time.

"Are you afraid of me hey kha ...?"

Juan asked Hey Kha who was still silent by continuing to stare at him.

"You once told me that, you and Robin has the same nature, have you ever killed someone...?"

Hey kha asked with a serious look at Juan.

Juan knows that hey kha is afraid of him right now.

Juan grabbed hey kha's hand then hugged her.

"Don't be afraid of me hey kha..., your eyes and attitude make my heart hurt."

Hey kha was silent to hear that.

Juan was still hugging hey kha who was still sitting on his lap.

After a while hey kha a little calm down, Juan returned to say.