Juan makes things messy

Slowly tears flowed down his cheeks and Juan saw that matter. Juan realized that hey kha actually heard what he said to her.

 Juan kissed the forehead hey kha then hugged hey kha in his sleep.

 "Go to sleep, you don't have to think about anything. because I will always be by your side and will not leave you."

 Whispered Juan in his ear hey kha. hey kha, who was half conscious. felt calm to hear what Juan said, felt warm from Juan's embrace. Juan and also hey kha fell asleep together.

 The time showed 16:30 in the afternoon.

 Juan who woke up earlier than hey kha, saw hey kha still asleep in his sleep.

 "You must not have had enough rest all this time …, because it's not like you usually sleep so soundly."

 Juan woke up slowly then enveloped the hey kha and went out of the room.

 Juan heard a noise coming from the kitchen and went to see it.

 It turned out that it was Mr. Tan who was cooking.