Blown away

Juan is still very confused about what happened. Even more so the woman who claimed to be Adelia. Juan is also frustrated, considering Adelia's condition which looks messy. Juan decides to go see her to meet the two men who are chasing after Adelia.

While walking towards the place where the two mysterious men were being held, Juan asked the bodyguard behind him.

"How the two people? Did they open their mouths?!"

The bodyguard answered Juan's question.

"No, sir. They don't want to admit that they are from city A and are the underlings of Azam Wang."

Juan asked the guards who opened the door and then went inside.

The two men were already battered because of being beaten by Juan's bodyguard who interrogated them.

Juan approached then lifted the head of one of them.

"Say and I will forgive you."

the two of them remained silent and this made Juan very angry.

Juan left the place and told his identifier.