Is there something wrong?

Juan who saw the girl went after her but the girl had disappeared.

"Who is that girl? She disappeared very quickly."

Juan got back into his car and left, when in the middle of the road Juan heard his cell phone ringing.

Juan saw hey kha who called him.

"Damn! I forgot to pick up."

Juan turned around. Then go to Sho Ju's house.

Hey kha who saw Juan waving at him and called Juan.

"Juan ..."smiling at Juan.

Juan came over and said to hey kha.

"You must be waiting a long time?"

Hey kha shaking his head.

Juan also greeted Sho Ju and it surprised them.

"Sho ju, afternoon ..."

Sho Ju could only be silent without a word hearing what Juan said, as if he could not believe that Juan's flat face greeted him.

" Let us go home,"invite Juan to hey kha who was silent seeing Juan's attitude.

Hey kha say goodbye to Sho Ju.