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After talking for a long time with hey kha, Adelia fell asleep on lap, hey kha.

Hey kha gently stroked Adelia's hair, she felt like she was caressing a child.

Hey kha took his cellphone, then called Juan, but Juan's cellphone was busy.

"Juan must be on an important call."while hey kha was waiting for Juan. Aroun came back from work.

Aroun rushed to hey kha when he saw her sitting holding Adelia's head.

"Thika..." Said Aroun to hey kha.

Hey kha surprised to hear that name.

Aroun lifted Adelia from the sofa and brought Amelia to her room.

"For a moment, I'll take Adelia to her room."said Aroun to hey kha.

A few moments later Aroun came back and lifted hey kha from the sofa then moved her to the wheelchair.

"Aroun, what are you doing?"aroun smiled hearing what hey kha said.

"Move you to your seat, you must be tired because Adelia is sleeping on your lap."