What's wrong with Adelia?

Aroun caught his breath then asked Sho Ju to let him, Aroun approached Juan and said.

 "I hope you still have shame and also a conscience. You have disappointed her a lot so far, you should not bother her anymore.!! all the misfortunes have kept her since meeting you,don't you want happiness for her ?! "

 Juan was silent to hear what Aroun said to him.

 Shu Ju also told Juan.

 "So far you have disappointed her too much! hey kha struggled with his pain to become the perfect wife for you, his love is so sincere and big to you! but your love is only limited to suffering for her. You are destined not to get sincere love from a person hey kha! "

 Sho Ju and Aroun also came out of Juan's room full of annoyance at Juan.

 secretary Ju came in and saw Juan who was lying on the floor with a wound on his face so panicked and tried to help Juan, but Juan told him to come out.

 "Get out!"