I stole it

Jody started to become half conscious when he wanted to get out of the bathroom, when Jody opened the door to his room, Jody saw Adelia who was taking off her clothes.

"Adel,what are you doing?!"asked Jody in surprise then hurried to make Adelia wear her clothes back.

but Adelia hugged Jody and said.

"My body is very uncomfortable!"

Jody was surprised to hear that and said.

"What are you drinking?!"

Adelia grabbed Jody's body and laid her down while kissing Jody and it made he's heart beat faster.

Adelia kissed Jody's neck slowly, Jody was still frozen seeing what Adelia did to her.

but Jody immediately realized and pushed Adelia's body.

"Adel realized! I'll take you to the sick room."

Jody took Adelia's clothes which were located on the floor, but Adelia quickly hugged Jodi and said.

"I don't want to go anywhere, I just want your body to be comfortable."