What's wrong with Juan?

but the pain was not much when Juan saw hey kha continued to cry.

Juan really wanted to come closer and hug hey kha at that time but Juan was afraid it would make hey kha hate him even more.

(I'm sorry hey kha, even now you still cry when you're with me).

Juan asks secretary Ju to stop the car.

when the car stopped Juan looked at the collar hey kha and said .


Juan said that then turned his face away.

hey kha was very surprised that Juan let him go after what he had done.

hey kha looked at Juan, Juan could feel that hey kha was looking at him.

"Go before I change my mind..!!!"

Juan said to hey kha in his low voice, but didn't look at hey kha at all.

hey kha feel pain and pleasure when hearing what Juan said.

(what are you waiting for hey kha...)

hey kha murmured in his heart.

hey kha opened the car door and got out of the car.