Very angry

the next day at 6:00 am.

hey kha who fell asleep on the sofa got up first and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for them before they went to the meeting.

they were getting ready to visit the biggest hospital in e city, namely Yin hospital.

hey kha has mentally prepared, last night hey kha promised herself to ignore everything.

hey kha borrowed Amira's hood and said .

"please help me wear this.."

Amira's doctor was surprised to hear that.

"Are you sure doctor hey kha..??"

hey kha nodded her head.

Amira's doctor helped hey kha wear the hijab and said .

" You are very beautiful .."

hey kha smiled hearing the praise from doctor Amira.

hey kha asked Amira's doctor to go to the hospital.

after they arrived , hey kha took doctor Amira to meet the hospital manager .

Amira doctor saw hey kha already very familiar with this hospital asked.

"Did you work in this hospital before??"