
After a couple of minutes, I breathe a sigh of relief, seeing Naruto stand up. At least I don't have to carry it on my shoulder. But I must say that he can handle the blows, it will be all the training done with Sakura.

"Raijin why did you do it?" yells pointing at me with a finger

I walk over and jump on his shoulder, and I just say "why are you stupid, come on let's hurry up, you don't want to be late"

We leave the open window and head towards the hokage tower, rest on Naruto's shoulder, using him as a taxi. These days I am getting more and more lazy, I should run alone, even as a workout.

Well it will be for next time, and so comfortable to travel like this.

We reach the mission room, where we meet the secretary of the hokage who looks at me with eyes of desire, I must say that I am a little afraid, I do not want to be treated like Torah by these kunoichi. After looking at me for an extra second, he turns to Naruto "Naruto kun, come in, your team and the Hokage are waiting for you"

Naruto nods and rushes inside. Once inside, what I see are two little boys, an emo with a pouty face and raven hair, and a little girl with pink hair trying to talk to him. Next to the boys is a white-haired ninja, with a mask covering his mouth and nose, while his forehead covers his left eye. Instead in front, behind the desk, is an old man with a neatly trimmed white beard, dressed in a red kimono.

It exudes an aura of authority. But when he sees Naruto that aura seems to vanish into thin air, with the appearance of a smile.

Although I can see suspicion in his eyes when he looks in my direction.

"Good morning Jiji" Naruto says with glee

"NARUTO be respectful of hokage !!" Sakura says throwing a punch at him.

Before Kakashi intervenes "guys, we're here to take a mission, not to play"

After this little hokage exchange, he turns to Naruto with a smile "Naruto why do you have a cat on your shoulder?"

"Jiji, Raijin is my ninja cat"

"Oh ..." says the hokage, touching his beard in contemplation.

And before he can speak again, an irritating voice intervenes "Naruto-Baka, you can't pick up dirty strays and then call them ninja cats"

With a check on my head I reply with an irritated tone "I'm not dirty"

He opens his mouth in surprise, even Sasuke looks surprised, even as he struggles to keep his emo face. As for Hiruzen and Kakashi, I see a flash of surprise in their eyes, which vanishes one second later. With their experience, this is not something that can surprise me.

"Are you part of Grandmother Cat's shop in the abandoned city?" he asks me curiously

Sasuke also looks up interested to hear my answer

"No, I'm a free Nekomata" I reply immediately.

The hokahe looks up and asks "then why are you following Naruto?"

I look him in the eyes and I seriously say "I am fond of him, and I have decided to take him as my pet"

He seems amazed by my response, and after a couple of seconds, he laughs.

After recomposing himself he says "ok, for team seven, the next mission is to cure the old wise man's child ..." but he is interrupted by Naruto "no thanks! That's enough! I want to do more challenging missions"

"Naruto you have just become genin, I can't .."

"Jiji we are ready for a C-grade mission, plus now that Raijin too"

After a minute of silence he replies "and that's fine, since you insist, you will accomplish a level C mission, which concerns the protection of a certain character"

"Who is she, a princess, a Damiyo," Naruto says expectantly

"don't be in a hurry, now I'll introduce him, let him in"

From the door an old man with white hair and a careless beard enters, with a bottle of sake in his hand, he turns and towards us he says "I am Tazuna the great master builder of bridges, but you are sure you can do this job, you are just kids. Sure you're ninja, especially the little guy with the goofy face with his bald cat. "

After hearing this, both Naruto and I pounce on the customer "bastard, who did you call little guy?" "Drunkard are you the bald one?"

But before reaching him we are stopped by Kakashi "you want to kill the gentleman you have to protect, are you stupid ?!"

"now go get ready, see you at the gate in five minutes"