Zabuza Momochi

It's been two hours since we left the village, Naruto and Sakura look excited for their first out of konoha. Sasuke is also excited, even if he doesn't show it, to keep his lonely emo facade.

Kakashi seems very calm, but I'm sure his senses are on the alert for any problems that may arise.

Instead Tazuna since we started the journey has remained silent, with a worried face. I'm not going to unmask him, so much Kakashi will take care of it, I prefer to stay on Naruto's head to sleep.

After another 10 minutes of walking, I finally see a puddle, out of the corner of my eye I see Kakashi looking at it with his eye, before ignoring it. I pretend to sleep, ignoring her.

Once past the puddle, the two ninjas with a sudden leap rush on Kakashi, tying him with a sharp chain. Pulling from both sides, they tear the body apart.

After Kakashi's [Death] their next target seems to be Naruto, they run towards him.

I look towards Naruto who seems petrified with fear, I say "Naruto I'll take care of it, look at my magnificence"

I turn to the two Nukenin showing my teeth and rush to the one on the right, leaving the other in Sasuke's hands.

Seeing me arrive, the Nukenin throws me a kunai. I manage to avoid him with minimal movement, before jumping and getting within 20 centimeters of his face. I take the momentum by spinning on myself, and use Irontail on it.


He crashes five meters away, and before he can get up, I reach him and use Irontail on his nose again, breaking it, causing the ground below to crack.

I relax after seeing that it no longer moves. Hope he's not dead, he might be useful for information.

After that fleeting thought, I turn away, and see that the other Nukenin has already been resolved by Sasuke.

Kakashi later shows up to everyone's surprise [except me]. He congratulates me and Sasuke on defeating the two.

And everything continues as the canon, Kakashi asks Tazuna why he is being attacked by the ninja, he explains to him about Gato, and then everyone decides to continue with the mission anyway.

We continue with the journey, and Naruto throws a shuriken into the bush from which a white rabbit comes out, which is followed by a reprimand from Sakura.

But just then we hear a scream from Kakashi "get down"

I push Naruto down, and I feel the wind blow over my head.

Once I look up I can see a ninja standing on a sword. Black hair, expressionless black eyes, and a headband covering his face. But why do most ninjas cover their lower faces, do you have such ugly lips ???

"Zabuza Momochi, the traitor of the mist village," Kakashi says suddenly

"who would have thought that I would have run into Kakashi of the Sharingan"

He says, disappearing into the fog

Zabuza appears behind Kakashi, aiming to cut him in half, but Kakashi manages to stab him with a kunai in the abdomen. The injured Zabusa is transformed into water, while the original one reveals itself in front of Kakashi, cutting him in two.

"you managed to copy my move in the middle of this fog, congratulations, but now it's over" he says creating a bubble of water trapping Kakashi

"you lost Kakashi"

While Naruto and Sasuke fight with the clone, I'm thinking of a way to get closer to the original, to free Kakashi.

When I see that Sasuke is using the shadow shuriken, I get an idea.

Sasuke throws the shuriken towards Zabuza, blocks the first shuriken, and jumping manages to avoid the other one, hidden in the shadow of the first. At that point the second Shuriken transforms into Naruto, who throws a kunai at Zabuza. Zabuza frees Kakashi, unable to avoid the kunai.

Angry at Zabuza's failed plan, he prepares to rush towards Naruto, but before he can take even one step, he revealed to me as the first Shuriken, launched by Sasuke.

[yes, I learned Transformation Jutsu in the first few days, it's not that hard]

Now I am less than five meters from Zabuza, I use Air Scratch on him. He notices me at the last moment, tries to avoid him, but I manage to cut off his left arm.

After that I take Naruto and walk away, I am not able to beat him yet.

Kakashi arrives and finally free starts fighting with him again.