End of the mission

The fight between Kakashi and Zabuza was one-sided, with only one arm Zabuza couldn't keep up with Kakashi using the Sharingan.

 As he prepares to finish the job with a kunai, two Senbons reach Zabuza's glue by penetrating it.

 "uh, he's finally dead," says a female voice, revealing herself in a tree, not far from the fighting site.  Dressed in a black kimono, and a white mask with the mist village mark.

 Kakashi approaches Zabuza, to check vital signs "yes, he is dead" confirms, before continuing "that mask indicates ... That you are a ninja pursuer of the village of the fog"

 "yes, my job is to hunt down the traitorous Ninja" she says before jumping down to get close to Zabuza

 "Well, since you only need the head, I'll help you" I say using Scratch, to cut off Zabuza's head.

 I hear her screaming behind me, but it's too late now, Momochi Zabuza is dead!  And this time for real

 "No ..." I hear Haku scream as well she runs towards me.  "you killed my only reason for living"

 "Beware, she's an accomplice of Zabuza," Kakashi says, getting into a fighting stance.

 I too prepare to fight, but then I see Haku taking off his mask, approaching Zabuza's dead body, taking a Kunai and stabs himself in the heart "I can't live without you"

 This I did not expect, she killed herself without hesitation, I thought she would attack me first.  Someone with such a kind heart cannot do this kind of work.

 Like me, the rest of the team and Tazuna are surprised at the turn of events.

 After a while Kakashi turns to me "how did you know he was lying?" He asks curiously

 Because I saw it in the manga !!

 "Intuition" I reply

 He looks at me for a couple of seconds before nodding.

 After burying the bodies, at Naruto's insistence.  He took a liking to Haku, even though he didn't know her.  After all, it is the first time he has seen someone die in front of his eyes.

 This is also my first kill, and what worries me a little, and that I have had no remorse, is perhaps one of the consequences of being a beast.  But I don't like it for that.

 We head to Tazuna's house, and since Zabuza was missing an arm this time, Kakashi didn't lose too much Chakra, so he was walking with his legs.

 The mission was much easier after Zabuza and Haku died, so Kakashi found time to train his team, in addition to tree climbing training, he also taught them to walk on water.

 On the seventh day after we arrived at Tazuna's home, with the construction of the bridge almost finished, the only threat that remained was Gato.

 On the ninth day, in fact, he shows up with a hundred thugs, you just need to know that none of them remained alive besides Gato.  We will bring him back to Konoha, his money can come in handy.

 On the tenth day with the bridge now finished thanks to the help of Naruto's shadow clones, we left to return to konoha.

 It's time for the Chunin exams, and before that I need more training.