New konoha shinobi


 Entering the hokage studio, we hear it said

 "welcome back team seven, you have completed your mission beautifully, even though it has turned into a grade A mission"

 "Yes Jiji, now you don't have to give us D-grade missions anymore," Naruto says jumping with enthusiasm.

 "I don't think it's possible Naruto, for now there are no C-grade missions available, plus I already have a mission ready for you" he says with a sly smile

 "What is it Jiji, catching S-class criminals? Destroying a band of bandits or saving a princess?"

 The hokage's lips curl up and say "no Naruto, a little harder than that, you see Tora ran away again, and your job is to find him"

 "No Jiji, not yet, not ..." but before he can continue, he is stopped by Kakashi "Naruto !! A mission is a mission, whatever it is, we are shinobi"

 Upon hearing this Naruto seems to calm down.

 "Well, now you have your mission, you can go. Raijin you stay, I have to talk to you" says the hokage after a couple of seconds

 I'm a bit puzzled as to why he wants to talk like, but I'm still left behind.

 The moment we remain in the room two, in addition to the hidden Anbu, Hiruzen starts talking "Raijin great job out there, Kakashi told me about the fight against Zabuza, if it weren't for your maybe someone could have died"

 "it's a pleasure Hokage Sama" I say respectfully

 "There is no need for (sama), I made you stay not only for this, but also to ask you to officially join as the shinobi of the leaf.

 "I accept" I reply immediately, if I want a good fight, it is better to join as a shinobi, and go on a mission.  Then I have a doubt and ask "sir, will I go on a mission only with team seven, or also with other teams?"

 "Mainly with squad seven, as I entered you into the database as Naruto's Nekomata, but if you are interested in a mission, and I think the rank is right for you, you can decide to complete it" he says after a couple of minutes of contemplation.

 After hearing this I nod

 "well, you are free to go"

 "Good day sir" I say as I leave the studio.

 ..........................  ...............

 I reach Naruto's apartment, and see Naruto waiting for me "Hey Raijin just in time to go on a mission"

 "no Naruto on this mission I'm not going with you" I say seriously

 "What? Why? With you being able to talk to Tora, the mission would be easier," he says surprised

 "It's a matter of principle, I can't do this to one of my kind, it's too cruel" I say painfully, before jumping out of the window, as I hear Naruto scream "Raijin wait ..."

 ..........................  ...............

 Before the chunin exams I have to improve myself, I know I can't win against Orochimaru, but I must at least have the strength to protect myself.

 I decided not to continue training on the nature of the wind, I don't think I have enough time to cut a waterfall, instead I will focus on another element.  Before choosing which one, I have to find out my affinity.

 I already bought a sheet of Chakra from the ninja shop, with the money from the mission.  After I have injected Chakra into the paper, it initially splits a two, then I see the two parts rippling.

 Wind and lightning.

 I have no method to train lightning, even in the canon it is not mentioned.  I have an idea how to do this, but just thinking about it, I already feel the pain.

 I have to use a teaser about myself, and remember the feeling, and then recreate it through the Chakra.  Just like Killua in HxH.

 But before training with lightning, I would like to strengthen my body by buying weights.

 I finally decide to start training the next day, and head home to get something to eat

 As I jump across the rooftops, I hear someone in the distance yelling "NO !!! Please no take me back to that WITCH !!!!"

 Apparently they completed the mission.  "Rest in peace Tora, I still don't have the strength to help you" I say, clenching my paw in a fist.