Chunin Exam

Two weeks have passed since the mission in the land of waves. I did not participate in the grade D missions that team seven made.

Instead, I trained in the forest, after buying custom-made weights, I started training my body. Plus I also bought a teaser to start the lightning workout.

Suffice it to say that the first time I used it, I passed out. What a horrible feeling, my body felt numb, even the next day.

But that didn't make me give up, and after a couple of days, I can finally emit a spark. This method is really effective, but only a madman could do such a workout.

After a week, I was able to cover my body with lightning, and I realized that putting stress on my body by producing electricity, and after a day of rest, my body feels stronger.

I continued to increase the intensity of the discharge every two days. And continuing to increase the weights every time I got used to it.

So now after two weeks, from the initial weights which were five kilograms, one for each limb, they now weighed twenty-five kilograms. That is one hundred kilograms in total.

For lightning-fast nature training, I can now exert about 5000V of voltage. I know it's not much, compared to that of a real lightning bolt, which reaches a minimum of 3,000,000V and reaches thousands of millions of voltage.

For now, I have only managed to apply lightning to Scratch, but I have not yet been able to apply it to Air Scratch.

The Lightning scratch, yes I called it, unlike Scratch, this in addition to increasing the perforation also has a paralyzing effect.

I also have other ideas on other techniques, but for now I think I'll stop here.

After today's training, I decide to take a break, and go in search of Naruto. Suddenly I hear an annoying voice saying "you hurt me you little piece of shit!"

I turn around and see a boy and a girl, the first one is dressed in black, with a hood with fake ears, a sack behind his back, and his face covered in black tattoos. The girl instead, blond hair, dressed in a white shinobi outfit, and a giant fan behind her back.

Kankuro, this is the boy's name, was holding Konohamaru by the collar.

I don't want them to know about me so early, so they won't know what to expect during exams. I lie down on a low wall and watch in silence.

I see Naruto trying to attack Kankuro, but he falls even before he gets close. Kankuro will have used the threads of Chakra, which he uses for the puppets, to make him fall.

As the scene progresses, Sasuke also shows up hitting Kankuro with a stone, thus freeing Konohamaru.

"bastard, what are you doing in our village?" He says arrogantly

And just when the battle seems inevitable, a cold voice breaks the atmosphere "Kankuro, stop ... You are an embarrassment to our village"

"What's your name?"

Says revealing himself with a whirlwind of sand a little boy with red hair, worn eyes, and with a pumpkin behind his back.

"I am Naruto Uzumaki !!"

"Not you, the one who looks cool" he says looking at Sasuke

"Sasuke Uchiha, I'm interested in your name too," he replies

"Gaara of the desert ..."

"Don't ignore me BASTARD!, I make my cat shit in your sand ...." He screams

"SHIT YOU, IDIOT !!!!" I scream furiously throwing a punch in the face

Damn my plan not to reveal me went up in smoke before it even started.