Grade B mission

Today the exams to become Chunin begin, at the moment I'm not with Naruto, because the hokage sent an Ambu to call me, because he wanted to talk to me.

Once I reach the tower, the secretary tells me that the hokage is waiting for me, I enter the study and I see him with a frowning face while he is examining documents. I stop and declare my presence "good morning sir"

He looks up at me, smiles and says "Raijin, I have a mission for you, if you're interested"

I look at him in amazement, not understanding why he had called me "sir why did you choose me for this mission?"

"I chose you, because you are the only one available now that the Chunin exams are taking place, and I also want to see how Naruto is doing alone"

I nod and ask "what is the mission about"

"It is a protection mission, expressly requested by the Damiyo himself"

I turn pale "is this not by chance the wife of the Damiyo ??" Asking with concern

Seeing my agitation he laughs before answering the question "hahaha… Don't worry, it's not about her, it's about her daughter Lady Madoka. He wants to participate in an auction that will take place in four days in the lightning nation. You will have to protect her in secret, from any danger that may arise. It will be a grade B escort mission "

"Grade B ??, do you really believe i can complete a grade B mission? "I reply incredulously

He smiles and replies "yes, the rank is due to the prestige of the client, the most you will find are at the low rank Chunin, you can take care of it, the ninja of the village of lightning will not attack the princess, so I send you. Do you accept?"

"Yes, sir"

"Well, go get ready, leave in an hour you can leave, these are the details of the mission" he says handing me some documents

I collect the documents, greet and leave the studio, and go to get ready.

Three quarters of an hour later, I am in front of the village gate, greet Kotetsu and Izumo, and walk towards the capital of the nation of fire.

After three hours of ninja pace, I arrived at the capital. I head to the pub indicated in the mission information, where I should meet the princess's guard in charge of protecting her during the journey.

I decide not to enter the door, but I see a window ajar at the second, I climb, and I look out to see the presence of someone. And in fact I can hear two people talking

"Hey, didn't that ninja have already arrived?" One says with contempt

"There are still five minutes left, and try not to make yourself heard, you know what shinobi are like. If you continue to behave like this, one day you will be left dry "says the other with a warning voice

I look out better, and I see two men, one about 1.60 meters tall, and the other almost 1.90 meters tall. The first has short crew-cut black hair, with closed eyes, almost forming a line. While the other shows up with long brown hair, gathered with a ponytail lace. Both are dressed, in black pants, dark green reinforced boots, and what looks like medieval chain mail under a gray t-shirt.

While I'm trying to see who they are, I hear them talking again "the time has come, it should be here" says the giant, looking around

"Are you staying late on purpose? The little guy says annoyed

And just before I can say anything else, I intervene "the ninjas are not late, they arrive early, they always arrive on time"

Well maybe except Kakashi

The two look around to see who has spoken, then turn to me for a second, before looking away and going back to "where are you? Let us see you so let's talk about the mission "

"I'm here in front of you" I say revealing myself again

They turn to me amazed and ask me "are you a cat, how ... how ?? .. What ??"

"I'm the designated ninja of the mission, let's not waste time, so we can leave" I say a little irritated. Why are they all surprised, what's strange about a cat that talks?

The giant is the first to come out of the confusion, and introduces himself "good morning Cat-sa ... Ninja-san, I'm Karoi, while he is my partner Kamato, and we have been tasked with protecting the princess, with his help"

then continues by saying "the princess doesn't like ninjas, so the orders were to protect her from the shadows without letting you see"

"Well I understand, when do we leave?" I say after hearing the story

"In twenty minutes," the giant Karoi replies

"Are you sure you can protect the princess? You don't seem to be able to protect even yourself" Kamato says with little hidden contempt

Even before I can say anything else, with a lightning-fast movement I am already on his shoulder with a sharp claw on his throat "and you, you think you can protect yourself" I tell him with a cold smile, which makes my blood run cold.