
After chatting "friendly" with Kamato and Karoi, we decide not to make the princess wait any longer, and to start the journey.

 Before I can jump, and leave the pub I hear a voice behind me "Mr. Ninja ..."

 "You can call me Raijin"

 "Mr. Raijin, we will deal with the smallest threats, you hide in the shadows and intervene only if necessary" Karoi says politely

 I smile and reply "don't worry, the princess won't find out that a ninja is following her"

 Upon hearing this, he appears to relax for a moment, before nodding to his partner and exiting.

 Now I just have to see this princess.


 POV Kamato

 Once out of the Pub, I turn to Karoi "Do you really think that animal can protect the princess?  It doesn't seem reliable "

 He turns to me with a strange look "that animal, if it had wanted to, could have killed you"

 "Tz .. It was just luck"

 He gives me another one of those weird looks, and he says "just don't bullshit, and now hurry up the princess is waiting for us"

 I nod and keep walking, trying to hold back my anger.  What is special about those Ninja?  They only know how to kill. They are unable to protect anyone.

 After this little thought, I look up, and in front of me I see a gorgeous carriage, which could accommodate up to eight people, pulled by four horses, but they are not ordinary horses, but trained chakra beasts.  This says a lot about the wealth of the Land of Fire.

 Near the carriage I can see a little girl, sixteen years old with long blond hair and green eyes, stamping her feet irritably, for some reason.

 As soon as she notices our presence she shouts "Why did it take you so long?  Do you have problems with constipation? "

 Not the words you'd expect from a princess, but knowing her, let's skip her way of speaking "princess, we had to solve a problem before we left.  Now that everything is sorted out, we can go, "Karoi says in a gentle voice

 I see the princess nod reluctantly, before turning to me pointing to the luggage "load the luggage into the carriage, so we can leave"

 "Yes, princess."  I say before taking the bags and starting to load them

 As I am about to finish loading my bags behind me, I hear a strange noise


 No, it can't be.  "It will be my imagination," I think before hearing again.


 "So cute!"  I hear the princess's voice.

 I turn around, and what I see is that fucking Cat rubbing himself on the princess's legs, even purring in the meantime.

 After a couple of seconds of daze, I rush angrily beside the princess "ANIMAL, what are you doing here?"  I scream, unable to restrain myself

 Didn't you agree on staying in the shadows? Now what are you doing here, doing this stupid act?

 After hearing my scream, I see the animal, which hides scared behind the princess.

 "Bastard, you are also an actor as well as a ninja and a cat.  Will it not turn out that you are also a robot? "  I think with anger

 "KAMATO!  Stop scaring the kitten !! "  She says angrily, picking up the Cat, starting to cuddle him

 I try to defend myself, explaining the situation "But ....", I am interrupted even before I can continue "leave the kitten alone, if you try again, I'll kick you out."  She says before getting into the carriage with the Cat

 And just before the carriage door is completely closed, I can catch a glimpse of the smile of that damned animal, which makes fun of me.



 POV Raijin

 Ahhahahah it was fun to see him face

 Why should I stay in the shadows and run all the way, when I can rest here, on the legs of a beauty.

 Ahhhh .... I like cuddles 🥰