
The journey was fairly smooth, we were stopped a couple of times by the bandits, but the princess's guards managed to solve the threat without me giving them a paw.

Best for me, this mission is really relaxing. We have just arrived in the capital of the lightning country. Looking around, I immediately notice the difference between the land of fire and that of lightning, the difference is not only revealed in the size of the city, but also in the standard of living of the citizens. And from what I can see, there is really no comparison.

We stopped in one of the most chic hotels in the capital, and I took the initiative of a night reconnaissance, while everyone was asleep, checking both the auction site where we will go tomorrow, and both near the hotel in case an ambush.

Not having found anything suspicious, I post in front of the window of the room where the princess sleeps, and I go to sleep, while keeping my senses active for any possible attack.

The next morning, after a long breakfast, the princess decides to take a walk around the city, as the auction won't start until after lunch. Even the walk passed quietly, perhaps not all missions have unexpected events. Or maybe just the ones Naruto doesn't participate in.

After lunch, we begin to move towards the place where the auction will be held. Once inside, I can already glimpse six long rows of chairs, where all kinds of people are seated, from those who look noble, to those who look Shinobi.

As I look around, a young lady approaches us and escort us to our seat, we sit down and wait in silence for the auction to begin. After a couple of minutes, with the auction starting, I start paying attention, curious to know what objects there will be.

But soon I am disappointed, as these are normal objects, and not Ninja objects, which vary between paintings, vases and jewels etc ...

A strange thing, and which I have felt observed since we entered, I turn to the back row, and I see two men, dressed in black armed with katanas and knives. What attracts my attention the most is the man, with a scar on his face, which starts from his right eye and ends on his chin. I notice that the latter send glances on our side on some occasions.

While I'm contemplating the reason for that look, and who it was aimed at, I hear a voice that catches my interest

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the sixth object of the day." He says showing the painting of a man walking in the middle of a lightning storm, with drums in his hand.

And then he goes on to say "this painting is one of a kind, it is said that it was painted by a master of the lightning technique who lived during the era of the hermit of the six ways. And it is said that he hides the secret to his most destructive technique "

"So far no one has been able to decode the technique, maybe one of you will succeed" he says, hoping to raise the price of the object

After a series of offers and counter offers, it is sold to the men I was observing earlier. They only managed to buy it because the princess was not interested, as so far all other items have been bought by her.

After this fleeting thought, I feel a strange sensation, like something that attracts me, I turn to the stage and see the salesman with a black bracelet, with small yellow veins. I can feel the lightning power from that bracelet. I look around, and see that no one is actively intent on obtaining this item.

With the intention of obtaining the bracelet, I attract the attention of the princess, meowing and looking towards the stage. He seems to understand my intentions, and in fact buys the bracelet, and ties it around my neck like a collar. "Do you like my gift?" He asks

I respond with a Miao, before paying attention to the collar again. I feel a mysterious power within it. I try to insert the inside of the Chakra, but nothing happens. Then I get an idea, I have to enter the Lightning Chakra. Once I try it I realize that it is sucking up all the lightning I release. To see what it can do I have to wait before loading it all up, and I think it will take quite a while, because it looks like a bottomless pit.

The two days following the auction pass normally, without incidents. And after the auction day I haven't seen those men anymore, but I still decide to talk to Karoi to change the way back.

The next day we are on the return journey, I am inside the carriage, but I feel something wrong. I look outside and see Kamato and Karoi fighting the two men I saw at the auction. I knock out the princess with a blow behind the neck. I don't want to be discovered, otherwise the return journey won't be as pleasant as the outward one.

I approach where the battle is taking place, I decide to finish the one Kamato is fighting first, this for multiple reasons, both because his strength is lower than the scarred guy, and because Kamato seems in trouble.

I approach without covering myself from his view with Kamato's body, and once close, I jump on Kamato's shoulder using it to push myself faster on the opponent. Once I'm about a meter away, I use Air Scratch on him, who surprised to see me, can't avoid the blades, succumbing under my nails.

After killing the first enemy, I stop and say "Kamato go to the carriage and take care of the princess. Kario, stay behind me and cover my back while I deal with the enemy "

The two nod and I get ready for battle "so why should someone with your strength be a bandit? Or maybe you aren't? "

Upon hearing this, he first gives a weird look, but then smiles and replies, "I have to say you're witty enough to understand that. Since you're about to die, I'll tell you. I'm a shinobi of sound, and I'm on a mission to kill the princess, and make believe it was the bandits "

"And who would have asked for a mission like that?" I ask with a smile on my face

He becomes a little alert after seeing my smile, but then he replies "you are going to die, you will find out soon"

Just then I feel a blade coming behind me, I turn around, and I see Karoi attack me from behind. I smile and block the blade with my Irontail "so you finally revealed yourself?" I say with a smile

He seems to whiten as he asks "how did you find out?"

"At first it was just an intuition, I made sure the moment they discovered us, you were the only one who knew about the deviation" I say in a cold voice, before disappearing from his sight, and landing on his shoulder. I use a shock, which makes him pass out. I call this the THUNDER SHOCK move.

I turn my attention to the sound ninja who seems stunned by the turn of events and start uploading him. He awakens from amazement, and attacks with a Jutsu after throwing some Shuriken, infuses the Chakra of fire type, sending them towards me.

I smile and I don't care about the Shuriken of fire, I increase the speed, and I make the Wind Chakra rotate around my body so fast, that the shurikens are repelled. He looks for a way to dodge, but by now it is too late since I am already in my attack zone, I concentrate the lightning chakra on my nails, and attack, forming five lightning bolts that approach the enemy at a frightening speed.

He tries to dodge by jumping to the right, manages to avoid fatal damage, but remains paralyzed for a moment, and I don't let him rest, I approach and with an Air Scratch, I cut off his head.

With the battle over, I call Kanado, tell him about the situation, and we set off again with a tied Karoi and a fainting princess.

I lie down on the legs of the princess and start to sleep, after all I deserved it. "Mhm ... so comfortable"