Save the Kazekage

We reach the hokage office, Tsunade sits at the desk, while I lie down on it, to Naruto's surprise. I like to be comfortable, what can I say.

A couple of minutes pass, and since Tsunade hasn't uttered a word yet, that means, someone has yet to reach us. In fact, after another couple of minutes, I hear the sound of the door opening.

I look up, and I see Sasuke come in, and get into position next to team seven. He sees me and shows a hateful look "cat, what are you doing here, I'm not going on a mission with you"

"Oh little Sasuke, he gnaws at you again, for that time I kicked your ass" I say with a smile that shows my sharp teeth.

"Bastard! I kill y ..."

"STOP! I didn't call you to fight, team seven, you have a mission. The Kazekage, was kidnapped by Akatsuki, and our ally asked for our help"

"What? We have to hurry," Naruto says anxiously, as he runs out of the office

Seeing this he shakes his head with a smile and says "it will never change"

Then he turns to the remaining members, and says "Raijin will not come with you, because he has another mission. You are discharged."

Once team seven is gone, I turn around and ask perplexed "another mission?"

"Yes, you will have to follow Naruto and protect him in the shadows from Akatsuki members, and if you have the chance, eliminate them"

I nod, and go out to prepare for the mission.

The journey to the sand village was peaceful, not even Kakashi noticed my presence.

What can I do about it, I'm great

Arriving at the gates of the village, I stop outside, and decide to wait outside behind some stones, while Naruto and the others do their thing, before leaving.

While I think about what to do, I freeze hearing the approaching voices "Shishio check behind those stones ..."

How did they find me? Sensors?

POV Ninja of the sand

"Shishio check behind those stones, I felt something move. Be careful, I watch your back" I say warily

I see her nod, as she approaches the boulders, passes them, and I see her gaze, previously worried, soften, losing the previous concern.

"What's up?" I ask curiously, as I approach to take a look.

I lean out to observe, and what I see is only an innocent cat, licking itself. I relax and say "Shishio, let's go back to our patrol"

POV Raijin

Uff, this is one of my technical autocrats, CAT NOJUTSU. And apparently it's super effective.

But now is not the time to think about it, as I see that team seven, along with an old woman, are leaving. I start chasing them, keeping my distance. This time, I keep myself further away, I don't want to risk being discovered.

Then I see them stop suddenly, for Itachi's appearance. Sasuke, seems shaken by Itachi's appearance. He throws at him with a growl, but is put under a Genjutsu, as well as. This is Naruto's great weakness, at least until he becomes friends with Kurama.

The old woman and Sakura help them out of Genjutsu, while Kakashi starts a fight with Itachi. But in the end it is Naruto who with an Odama Ransengan ends the fight against Itachi, who is hit, because he is distracted by Kakashi.

Then I see an angry Sasuke yelling Itachi's name to the sky.

The old woman and Sakura help him out of Genjutsu, while Kakashi starts a fight with Itachi. But in the end it is Naruto who with an Odama Ransengan, concludes the fight against d'Itachi, who is hit because he is distracted by Kakashi.

Too bad that wasn't the real Itachi, with all of his strength. Otherwise I don't think it would have happened that way.

After a moment of daze, I see them leave again, and I am about to follow, but before I do, I stop, and get off the tree, from where I was watching the fight. "Hey Itachi, you went soft"

"Raijin ... I see you're fine," he says touching my head with a half smile on his face.