Art is explosion

"Are you still going to die at Sasuke's hand?"  I ask in a sad voice.

 "I don't have much time left anyway. And after my death, Sasuke will stay in Konoha."

 "We have already talked about it many times, with Danzo still alive, this will never happen" I tell him with conviction

 "I know, but maybe a friend could help me with that problem."  He says looking into my eyes.

 "I have to go, I hope to see you again" I say as I walk away.

 "Me too," he says in a whisper

 This is not the first time we have given that speech.

 I also told him to go back to the leaf, to be treated by Tsunade, but he always refused.  And several times he asked me to take care of Danzo, not that he doesn't want to, but it's not that simple.

 I've met Itachi a couple of times over the past two years.  It was Jiraya who introduced me to Itachi, as he is his informant in Akatsuki.

 I also told him how I treated Sasuke, to take him back to Konoha, but strangely, he thanked me.  He has a somewhat strange brotherly love.  Or his love for Konoha, and greater than Sasuke's.

 Well now is not the time to think about it, what I have to do now is reach out to others.  And I start to increase the pace, towards the direction I saw them go.

 After 10 minutes, I finally reached them, and I see them in front of a large boulder, with a seal on it.  Kakashi removes the seal, while Sakura breaks it with a fist, into many small fragments.

 Not bad for brute strength, too bad it only has that, and medical Ninjutsu.  In my opinion a good Ninja, and someone with many tricks up his sleeve, not just one.

 I then see them quickly enter the cave.  I get close too, to be able to look, and I see two men with a black cloak, with red clouds.  One blonde, and the other a little short with a mask on his face, and black pointed hair.

 At their feet, however, there is the dead body of the Kazekage.

 Naruto throws himself angry, immediately after seeing Gaara's helpless body.  But before he can even take a step, he is stopped by Kakashi, who manages to calm him down.

 Then I see the blond who picks up Gaara's corpse, in the beak of what looks like a pigeon, to use it as a bait for Naruto.

 And of course it works, as I see Naruto running out of the cave, chasing the pigeon, with Kakashi on his heels.  While Sakura and Sasuke and Chiyo remain to fight the puppet.

 My mission is to protect Naruto, so I decide to follow him, also with Sasuke here, it will be easier for him to beat Sasori.

 Kakashi and Naruto, are still chasing the pigeon, they have to find a way to get the blonde down, if not, they can't get Gaara's body back.

 From here, I can see that Kakashi's Sharingan is changing.

 "he's going to use the Mangekyou!"  I whisper to myself

 In fact, I see the space next to Deidara starting to wriggle until the arm is severed by Kakashi's technique.  And while all this happens, Naruto manages to hit the pigeon with a Rasengan, thus freeing Gaara's corpse, and causing Deidara to fall.

 As this happens, Naruto and Kakashi are joined by the rest of the team.  It seems that thanks to Sasuke's help, Chiyo hasn't been poisoned.

 But that's not all, as Deidara releases an explosion, which blows herself up.  But he is easily stopped by Kakashi's Mangekyou.

 I turn to Sasuke, and I see anger and jealousy show through his eyes.

 He cannot accept that someone has something he does not have.  How pitiful.

 And as I think about all this, I see them leave the site of the explosion, but I decide not to follow them, both because I know what is going to happen with Gaara, and because I have other things to do.

 I head out into the forest, where I see someone sticking out of the ground.

 "I should find my arm" I hear him say

 I smile and reply, as I start using my technique "yeah, where do you want to start looking for it?"

 "I think I'll start from the forest ... WHO IS THERE?"  He says alarmed.

 But before I can even try to escape, I'm already done with my technique.


 I say by creating lightning bolts above his head, which go to create a prison, where it is impossible for him to escape.  But that's not my goal, so I create with my fingernail, a small Thunder bolt, one centimeter.  With which I attack him by hitting just above the heart, without killing him.

 "Damn animal, now you'll see my art," he says angrily, looking up at me.  But he can't attack me, as I've already turned to run towards the forest at my maximum speed.

 As I run towards the forest, I can feel a presence approaching Deidara.

 "It should be Tobi and Zetsu" I say increasing the speed.

 POV Tobi

 "Oh apparently Deidara-San was killed too, isn't it Zetsu-san?" I say as I take my severed arm to the ground

 "let go of my hand, bastard"

 "Deidara-San, then you are still alive ...."

 But to be able to say more, I freeze, and use my Mangekyou Sharingan, to teleport five kilometers from Deidara.

 I look towards where I was before, and what I see is a dome with a radius of 20 meters, where thousands of lightning strikes the body of Deidara disintegrating it.

 I see Zetsu appear next to me "what did this, it's not easy. You have to investigate"

 "it will be done," he says as he disappears.

 POV Raijin

 Seeing the explosion in the distance, I smile as I keep running.

 When I started changing my cells, I realized that I could control my lightning even from a distance.  And so I focused on developing this technique.

 This time I wanted to try its effect.  But I don't think I hurt him, much less killed him.  He really has a Doujutsu with a fantastic ability.

 At least I'm sure Deidara is dead.