Sixth Hokage?

This is bad news, now that Obito has Nagato, with his Rinnegan, it won't be easy to fight him.  And I hope you don't use Nagato to resurrect Madara.

 Uff ... But now it's not the time to think about it, I turn to Konan "Konan, you can't follow him, if you go to him you will die" I tell her hoping to convince her not to go to Obito

 She looks at me with sad eyes and says "it's the only thing I have left, I have to try to save him"

 After this, I see her fly away with her wings made of paper.


 After this, we returned to Konoha, and Naruto was celebrated as a hero, as he not only managed to defeat two bodies of Pain, but convinced the original, to bring the slain Shinobi back to life.

 Too bad that the moments of joy never last long enough, in fact the Fifth Hokage during the attack has exhausted the Chakra, and is now in a coma.

 In addition to the disappearance of a Ninja from the village, of which there are no traces, since there is nobody, to say his vital state.

 And in a few moments there will be a meeting to decide, who will be the temporary hokage, until Tsunade wakes up.


 Three days have passed since the attack, the new Hokage was decided by the Damiyo.

 The new Hokage of Konoha, is none other than the man who lives in the roots of the village, in the dark part of the Shinobi, or Danzo Shimura.

 Hiruzen wanted to return while Tsunade, is recovering, but was denounced by Danzo, of all the mistakes made by him and his students.  So the Damiyo decided for Danzo.

 Also, another shocking news came after three Cloud Ninja arrived.  The Raikage has called a meeting of the Kage, regarding Akatsuki.

 Apparently they have kidnapped Killer B, while Yugito is still in the cloud village.

 This meeting is also to protect the two remaining jinchurikis from Akatsuki, and destroy them before they can complete their plan.

 And in two days Danzo will leave for the meeting.


 POV Danzo

 #Two days later#

 I have finally become Hokage, now the next step is to conquer the other villages.

 But first you have to take care of Akatsuki, and finally eliminate that thorn in the side that is Itachi.

 I wonder who took Sasuke's body away after my men moved it.  But it doesn't matter, nobody can get to me.

 "Fuu, Torune, let's increase the pace" I say to increase the pace towards the glorious future that awaits me.

 But then I realize that something is wrong, I turn around and I can no longer see Fuu and Torune

 They would never leave my back without my permission.  It must have been someone, but how did I not notice ?.

 "You're getting old, you haven't even noticed your underlings dying," I hear a voice say from behind me.

 But the moment I turn around, I feel a pain in my arm where I have implanted the Hashirama cells, and where my precious Sharingan are.


 I think, as you look at who cut my arm, but what I see is shocking.

 I see someone, who I never wanted to see, at least not right now

 "Itachi Uchiha ... What are you doing here?"  I say with a little bit of anger and fear in my voice.

 "I'm here to kill you," he says in a neutral voice

 "I'm not afraid of you, you won't be able to kill me" I say as I prepare to use Izanagi

 The only thing I can do is use Shisui's Sharingan to use Izanagi, but doing so will lose him forever, what a waste.

 But this way I can have a chance to get out alive.

 And the moment I'm about to activate it, something unexpected happens again, I see something coming out of the ground below me, and it rushes in my face.

 "I promised you that one day I would gouge out your eye"

 POV Raijin

 "I promised you, one day I would gouge out your eye" I tell him with a cold smile while with my sharp nails, I empty the socket of his right eye

 "Ahhh, you are attacking the hokage, do you want to start a war?"  He says angrily

 "you are not the hokage" says a voice behind me as it reveals itself from behind a tree

 "You ... You shouldn't be here .... Tsunade" he says in shock

 But then I see he can't even speak, after he sees our fourth member of our group reveals himself

 "What happened, did the cat eat your tongue?"  I say joking

 But then I hear him say only one word

 ".... Sasuke!"