Meeting of the Kage

".... Sasuke!"

 "hn ... Old man we meet again" Sasuke says with a disdainful look

 Seeing him so proud, I get a little angry.  I glare at him and say "you almost ruin the whole plan. What's there to be so proud of?"

 He looks at me, but doesn't say a word, if it weren't for Itachi who was following Danzo in the shadows, as per plan, he wouldn't be here doing the emo.

 "Now, go play back there, the adults have to talk," I say in an angry tone

 "Stupid ca ..."

 "Sasuke! Enough, do as he said" Itachi says, seeing him respond

 After Sasuke leaves, we start looking at Danzo, now he has no chance to escape, much less try to fight.

 "How did you do it? Nobody knew the path, and then, because you're already awake, you should be in a coma" he says in confusion and anger

 "But it's very simple, you know Itachi has been asking me to get out of my way for quite a while, but with you in Konoha, there was no way to kill you. So I had to get you out of the village, and the only way was to make you  Hokage, and go to this meeting, "I say revealing part of the plan

 "But how did you know that the Raikage had decided to have this meeting."  He asks in response

 "haha you should have gotten there, but oh well, I tell you. And all thanks to my feline informants from the lightning nation."  I say with a smile full of pride

 And then I keep explaining my plan, "knowing about this, I called Itachi, to have you stalked. And this is also why the emo is still alive. Once you get out of Tsunade's office, Itachi has  used Shisui's eye to use Izanagi and bring Sasuke to safety, while putting your lackeys in a Genjutsu "

 "and as for Tsunade, she has never been in a coma, she also knew about the plan" I say after a little pause, to get back to fate

 "How did you know I was going to be Hokage for sure?"  He says, as I see he is trying to waste time

 Did he call for backup?  But I don't care

 "With Shisui's Sharingan, he was sure you would become Hokage. And since all has been said, it's time for you to go your own way, Itachi is all yours."  I say as I turn to my cat-loving friend.

 I would like to say that Danzo's death was quick and painless, but I would be lying.  Never make an enemy like Itachi Uchiya, who can torture you for days in his illusion.

 After seeing Itachi, do away with his revenge, I tell him "you should go back to the Leaf with Sasuke, even if Tsunade has cured your ailment, you still have to go to the hospital, for some checks."

 He looks at me, and says "I should go back to Akatsuki, to monitor"

 I smile and tell him "it's no use, if you go you'll just get killed. Right now I'm sure the masked Uchiya already knows about your betrayal"

 After saying that, he looks at me with doubtful eyes, before saying "even if it were, in Konoha they see me as an enemy, I can't go back"

 Before I can respond, Tsunade intervenes saying "you're right, that's why you will go to Shizune, who knows everything, once we are back with Raijin, I will make an announcement about what happened years ago. And you will be reinstated as a Ninja of the Leaf"

 After a couple of seconds of reflection I see him nod.

 Luckily he agreed, an extra help never hurts, especially if the help is Itachi.

 "Raijin, we have to go to the Kage meeting. We have to hurry," Tsunade says.

 "Yes, let's go. Itachi, see you in Konoha" I say greeting, before climbing on Tsunade's shoulder, who starts running.


 After a couple of days we arrive in the land of iron.

 It's really cold, but luckily I brought a cloak with me.

 We enter a building, escorted by samurai, who take us to a room, where I can already see all the other Kage, with their bodyguards, already assembled.

 "Tsunade, I thought you were in a coma," Raikage says

 "false information" he says with a smile as he sits down

 Then the man in the center of the table, the mediator of the meeting, says "I am Mifune, and I will mediate this meeting"

 But before continuing, he turns to Tsunade, and says "Tsunade, your bodyguards can enter"

 Hearing this Tsunade looks at me, and then smiles and says "no need, we can continue"

 Mifune stares at her for a while, before saying "well, let's start the meeting"