Secret Information

Gaea stops her dance, feeling the mood getting tense. She has no idea about Eryk and Rainer's relationship, what makes the past more meaningful than money?

"Everyone can change, I know," said Rainer calmly, "but if it is changing to worse, shouldn't 'friend' need to remind them to look back on how good they used to be?"

"Tell. The information. That. You. Got. Rainer," ordered Eryk, stressing each word he said, there is no time to talk nonsense.

Rainer lets out a small sigh at his other failed attempt but he is not going to give up, "I have been looking for information on your order and as you expected, he will probably come to the auction next week."

"Probably?" Eryk sounded dissatisfied, "I didn't pay for odd, 'mate'."

Gaea is shocked, for the first time after seeing Eryk losing his temper, and directly took a note in her mind never to make that man angry.

Rainer also looked very calm, perhaps this isn't his first time because they are friends after all.

"I will tell you again if he changes his mind," said Rainer, "hacking data without leaving a trace isn't as easy as you think, Eryk."

Gaea is flattered. Hacking? She knows how difficult it is from studying it once and it takes a long time to understand the program.

Rainer must be a genius man and why would a genius like him still work for Eryk? Maybe for the security of the company's data? Considering that Eryk is a rising businessman, there must be many people who want to overthrow Eryk.

"I should have known it would be just useless," said Eryk, "their system is way too solid, I have trouble tracking because 'he' often moves around," he continued, "I am getting bored of playing the cat and mouse game."

"He really is the best, right?" said Rainer calmly as if it's an ordinary thing, "are you sure you want to keep dealing with him?"

"After he dared to touch my family, I guess that's to be expected."

Gaea feels shocked. My family—? Eryk has a family!? As far as she remembers her boss is an orphan, or was Eryk married? No, can't speculate to that point, maybe Eryk has a brother that she is not aware of. Eryk is well known for maintaining privacy, moreover having a family will definitely be a big scandal if it's revealed, right?

Gaea hesitates.

What if Eryk got married secretly?

The thought of it hurts her heart.

"If that's what you want," said Rainer indifferently, his eyes focus again on Gaea's body then move upward, and it gets dilated after seeing something odd which is the green eyes behind the mask before getting calm again as usual, "Excuse me, I want to enjoy this first." he wants to confirm something.

Gaea does her best not to be disgusted. This is the reason why she doesn't want to be a dancer, cannot stand the dirty thoughts and words of the men who hire her, until now she doesn't understand why Lola wants to do it, "Hey!" she stops her dance when she feels Rainer's hand touching her back.

"Come on, this is something common for you, right?" ask Rainer with his sweet smile, his guess was right if it was Gaea.

Gaea is furious. How dare he say that! And also why does Rainer suddenly feel attracted to her? Earlier Rainer wasn't interested at all, didn't even take a look. Why such a change? "I am a dancer indeed, but I am not a cheap woman!"

Why didn't Eryk defend her either? Is it because it's her duty as a dancer? Or is it because what Rainer touched was her back so her boss wasn't bothered?

"You? Haha ..." Rainer feels that Gaea's words were the funniest thing he has ever heard, "your joke is quite good, Rose," said him while holding his laughter, "and what is wrong with you, hm~? Having me touch you like that is normal."

Normal? So this isn't the first time for Lola?

Rainer rises to stand up, walking to approach Gaea, "What's up with your dance too? You seemed like an amateur."

Gaea takes a step back in fear.

Their conversation was so exciting, it stole her attention, making the dance seem amateurish ... no, sexy dancing is not her expertise.

"You danced in an amateur way to provoke me?" asked Rainer with his mocking eyes, "Wow, you want me that bad, Rose~?"

"No," Gaea is getting disgusted now, taking a bigger step back than earlier if there's someone that wants to be invited it must be Eryk, "Ugh." she takes a step back again as Rainer keeps approaching her until her left foot touches something.

Rainer chuckles, it is so fun to mess with Gaea.

"Ahh ..." Gaea is a little bit awed at seeing Rainer's sweet laugh? So that her legs lose its balance and falls backward, "uh ..." Why doesn't her butt hurt? She turns her head, her face flushes greatly finding herself sitting on Eryk's lap, "Sorry!"

Eryk himself feels annoyed, if it's not Lola, his mouth will definitely give 'sweet' words.

Doesn't she know that a woman's body is a little bit heavy?

Unwilling to suffer longer, Eryk moves away Gaea's body from his body and at that time his eyes unexpectedly find something interesting, "Huh?" his eyes are not hallucinating, right There is a tattoo on Lola's back, in his memory that woman doesn't have a tattoo on her back. Curious, Eryk's hand touches Gaea's back slowly.

Gaea holds her breath trying not to sigh. She knows this is wrong but the one who is touching her is her boss Eryk—the man that she is crushing on—she really cannot do anything, "Eep—!" she gasps as she feels Eryk's hand lifting her hair for a moment then putting it back to how it was.

"Stand up," said Eryk coldly.

"Uh—?" muttered Gaea, who hasn't fully realized that Eryk's face is turning dark full of anger.

"I said stand up, 'Orchid'!"

Gaea's eyes opened completely, standing up quickly.

Did she hear it wrong just now?

Eryk called her Orchid instead of Rose—?

Eryk looked once again at Gaea's exact body from top to bottom before standing up, "I want all of you to leave, there is something that I want to talk to Orchid," ordered him coldly, stressing the word Orchid a little bit angry.

Gaea gasped. Eryk apparently knows her disguise and is furious.

What should she do? This is Lola's fault.

Alex follows without saying anything, in contrast with Rainer who takes a look at Gaea, sympathizing for a while before getting out.

Gaea was a little bit surprised when Rainer's hand pats her shoulder while passing her—as if encouraging her or did she think too much about it. Whatever that means, her heart feels a bit comforted.

After the sound of the door closing indicating that Rainer has left, the room was so silent.

Gaea doesn't dare to look at Eryk because she is sure the young man is really furious.

"You want to be a dancer?" Eryk started the conversation coldly.

Gaea bowed down full of regret, "No."

"Give me the reason why you are disguising as Rose?" asked Eryk as professional as possible.

How should she explain it? She wants to, but Eryk's gaze is too intimidating that it makes her lips shut tightly.

Eryk sighs a little. Good, another employee who cannot defend herself, and to make it worse it's Gaea out of all his woman employees, "Never mind, I won't accept it either," he said, "you know the risk, don't you? Luckily, Rainer doesn't realize it." Which feels so weird.

"I had no choice!" exclaimed Gaea in a protest, "Rose sprained her leg so she asked me to replace her!"

"Of course ..." said Eryk in an underestimating way. Why not? Everyone always uses sad excuses including Gaea.

Gaea does not expect to be this annoyed, "Have you ever heard of 'friendship'?" asked her in disgust without caring that she is crossing the limit, after all, she is sure she will be expelled from the club.

The friendship that Eryk showed earlier to Rainer was not something close that can be judged by Eryk who belittled Rainer with his 'sweet' sarcasm.

"I don't believe in friends or some other rubbish thing," said Eryk coldly.

Gaea's hands were clenched into a fist, holding back from hitting the face of her boss. The first time finding out about Eryk's bad side, there was indeed a rumor that her boss had a sharp tongue because of his logical thinking, but she doesn't expect it to be this bad. Her brain is thinking positively that Eryk will be gentler towards women considering that he likes to bring women to the club but it's just the same, now it makes sense why Eryk often changes women because they couldn't stand his 'logical' words.

The sound of the ringtone breaks the tension between both of them.

Eryk picks up his cellphone, seeing who is calling him, his face that once was angry turned cheerful, knowing the name 'Katherine' is displayed on his cellphone, "I need to answer it, you stay here, I will be right back," he said without looking, leaving the room.

Gaea rolls her eyes.

Eryk doesn't even wait for her answer, talking about controlling other people.

What should she do while her boss is gone?

Gaea looks around, now that Eryk is gone, she can pay more attention to this room. The room is bigger than the last time she was here, is it possible that this room is not the VIP room but Eryk's study? She sees the table that was piled with books and document—? There is even a laptop and a photo frame, "Hm ..." she wonders who was in that photo, her eyes glances back to make sure Eryk has really left, only after feeling safe, she dares to take a peek at that photo. There is a black-haired middle-aged man hugging a blonde-haired man and also a wide grin indicating their closeness.

Gaea knows this middle-aged man, Xander, Eryk's father.

Come to think of it, Eryk has no clear background at all, just a son of a rich family, Enzo owns a company in the hotel sector. She has no idea why Eryk refuses to continue that business, instead Eryk's uncle named Zeke runs it.

Maybe not interested? She doesn't know.

Gaea turns to the opened laptop. No, she shouldn't touch things that don't belong to her, right?

Eryk's cold words flash through her mind again making her blood boil.

Who cares?

At this level, Gaea is sure she will be expelled, why should she worry? Her hand presses the 'power' button and snorts knowing that there is a security code.

'Maybe the code is 'I am the greatest' or something similar to that, or even 'bastard'.'

Gaea can hack, but she doesn't bring anything, "Huh?" her eyes saw something unnatural on that laptop screen, "This symbol—" her words stopped after suddenly there is a puff of smoke, "huh—!?" Where does this smoke come from? And also, why does her body feel heavy and she feels sleepy? She had enough sleep this afternoon.

Gaea loses control of her body and falls down, in the middle of her consciousness that is drifting away, she sees a pair of long legs before finally fainting.

"Look at this, you are really out of luck, Rose."


Just for information.

If the dialogue uses the single quote ['] it means that the character is self-talking

Thank you ...