Trapped by a Stranger

"Wa ... ke... up ...."


"Wake ... up ...."

'I was dreaming—?'

"Wake up!"

Gaea's eyelids open at once, "Uh ..." she groans weakly, "what happened—?"

"You fall asleep soundly," said Eryk, "satisfied?"

"Ah!" Gaea wakes up instantly in that second, her eyes are sweeping the room.

There is no one, no smoke either—? Just Eryk that looks at her wondering.

Was it a dream?


That was too real to just be a dream, "Ah, yes! Your laptop!"

"What's wrong with my laptop?"

"Your laptop was hacked!" exclaimed Gaea in panic.

Eryk's eyes widens for a moment before returning to normal, "You're not fully awake yet."

"I am not lying," said Gaea reassuringly.

Eryk thinks for a moment, "Enough. Now just go home."

"Huh!?" Why is Eryk so calm, and also, go home? She has to work again, right?

"It's morning already," said Eryk as if he knew what Gaea was thinking about.

"What!?" exclaimed Gaea in shock. Morning? She was asleep that long? And when looking attentively at this room, it doesn't look like the VIP room in the club, more like a bedroom? Eryk's bedroom—?

Eryk sighs, "Must you scream this early?" he asked. Already slept in his room, taking all the space in the bed making he sleeps on the sofa, is this how Gaea repays his kindness?


At least, Gaea understands her position or the effect of just waking up from a beautiful sleep. Eryk's tolerates her, "Go home, Alex will take you there."

Taking her? Now Eryk is being nice to her? What happened? She starts questioning whether this man's coldness last night was real or it was a dream too.

Gaea pats her forehead, "Alright." Without any resistance walking out.

"Oh, before that." Eryk remembers something.

Gaea stops in wonder and before she can say anything, Eryk is already in front of her, showing an aura of intimidation making her step back reflectively until she stops when her back touches the cold dark gray wall behind her.

Erk slightly tugs the corner of his lips, enjoying Gaea's expression at the moment, reflecting fear—it seems that this woman's courage from last night has disappeared. He adds by placing both of his hands on the sides of Gaea's head, "Listen to me, Orchid, forget what you heard last night."

Gaea's eyes widen slightly. Last night—? So it wasn't a dream.

"If you say it to people that you consider a friend ..." Eryk stops his words, his index, and middle fingers are pinning a strand of Gaea's brown hair, "be ready to never see them anymore, understand?"

Gaea's brain is still blank, digesting word for word.

"And next time, cover up your orchid tattoo before disguising."

Not telling anyone or cannot meet her friends anymore—?

Cannot meet—

Gaea finally understands and her blood boils immediately, with her power she kicks Eryk's private area hard, so hard until that man falls to his knee on the floor holding his genital.

"Ugh ..."

Gaea folds her arms in her chest, there is no regret at all seeing his boss groaning in pain, "No one can order me around but myself. Remember that, Enzo."

"Wha—!" How dare Gaea say that to him, but before he can say anything, Gaea has gone. Eryk is trying to get up while holding on to the bed and groans again after he manages to do it.

Gaea's punch is still as strong as the last time he felt it ...


Gaea leans her head against her locker.

She's been asleep until morning, but why does her body still feel heavy? Haven't the effect of the last night's anesthetic drug gone?

Gaea exhales.

It's just a dream, not real, at least that's what Eryk said.

Gaea herself is sure that what happened to her wasn't a dream. She even saw a pair of legs! She believes those legs are the one who gives her the anesthetic drug, from her judgment the owner of those legs was a woman, it can be seen from her smooth and tiny feet and also from her bright red nail polish, of course, there is some man who uses nail polish, but her heart is still sure it was a woman.

Gaea is curious as to why that mysterious woman had to put her to sleep? Maybe it has something to do with Eryk? The VIP room number 7 is exclusively for that man guest, and don't forget the conversation about hiring a hacker to break into other people's confidential data.

Maybe Gaea only knows Eryk a little, there is still a lot that she doesn't know.

Gaea pats her forehead.

There would be no end in thinking about Eryk and will only make her dizzy, after all, she has warned him, it's up to Eryk whether to believe it or not.

Gaea took off her jacket and at that moment something falls to the floor, making a loud noise in this silent dressing room, "Huh?" What was that noise? Her eyes search for what has fallen just now, and finally, find it after squatting on the floors to look under the bench that Lola sat on last night. She picks it up and is amazed by a bright pink diamond ring.

Gaea wonders if the ring belongs to Lola, but the diamond was so big that it makes her hesitates a little, "Hm ...?" Maybe it needs a test? She blows air into the diamond and is surprised to see that the diamond doesn't fogged up, which is a sign of a real diamond.

Where did Lola get a diamond this big? From her profession as a sexy dancer? Indeed, Gaea often hears Lola bragging when she got a lot of money.

Maybe Lola did save money to buy this pink ring.

Either way, Gaea doesn't want to take any chance, she wraps the ring with a handkerchief that she had taken from the locker.

This method isn't brilliant, but there is no other option, Alex will be angry for waiting too long if she is looking for a better method to keep the diamond.

Gaea put the ring that is wrapped in the handkerchief into her bag and immediately changed her clothes.