No Way!

"You know, for someone who claims to have fallen in love with her, you're pretty annoying."

Eryk rolls his eyes in boredom, choosing to ignore, and starts another topic, "I have a request, I want Rainer to check the security in my office at the club."

"Why?" asked Alex wondering and also tired because he had to go back to the club earlier because Gaea wanted to take her stuff.

"Normally, I don't care," said Eryk. Considering that Gaea is so stubborn that she even dare to fight back, it isn't so bad to take her advice, "I just want to know if there is anything wrong, Alex."

"Okay," replied Alex shortly.

"Is Gaea safe?" asked Eryk.

"Yes, I walked her to her apartment door," replied Alex, "until Gaea is annoyed with me, man," he continued remembering how noisy that woman was which reminds him of Eryk.

"You don't see anything strange?" Eryk is still not satisfied.

"No," said Alex, then his face turns mischievous, "you have kept your promise, why are you still trying to protect her? Do you still like her?"

Hearing the word 'like' offends Eryk a little bit although he calmed down again after a while, "Have you ever heard about the security regulation in my company?" he asked back, "oh, I forget you were busy flirting with female visitors to fulfill your desire."

Now, it is Alex's turns to get angry. Eryk isn't wrong, but the way he talks is annoying, "I am confused why women are crazy about you."

Eryk rolls his eyes. Not this conversation again, "are you still not satisfied? Better keep your nonsense and do what I tell you, then I will hear your complaint."

Eryk is not in a good mood, maybe Alex pushes the conversation too far? They talk about the past that Eryk hates after all, "Yes," replies him and then leaves.

Eryk takes a deep breath, grabs the coffee at his desk, and walks to a big window in his room, staring blankly there.

Seeing the trees covered with snow and the sound of a bird chirping in his backyard doesn't calm him, Eryk doesn't understand it either. His instinct senses that something is wrong, but not finding what it is makes him frustrated a little.

Is this frustration due to the auction that will be held tonight? Because this is the first time being an auction donor? Scared that it will not go as he planned?

Whatever it is, it's too late, there is no turning back.

Eryk cannot wait any longer either, he's been patient enough, Rainer is still acting childish, it's better to act alone.

God knows how dangerous Kervyn is.

Eryk sniffs the smell of his coffee, calms himself as he recalls 'his friend', then drinks it. Nothing is better than drinking a cup of coffee, "Hm ..."

If Katherine were by his side, it will be so much more perfect, why would she refuse to be picked up by him? Preferring to walk here.

Women are mysterious and complicated indeed.

His eyes are fixed on the dark black coffee, then he smiles a little.

At least not with coffee ...

The ring tone makes him stop his activity.

Eryk put back his cup of coffee and checks his phone, "Oh ..."

From : Aizawa

Eryk-kun, good morning.

There are several things that we need to discuss, can we meet today?

And don't forget to bring the thing.

Eryk thinks for a while, before typing the reply for his partner.

To : Aizawa

Good morning to you too Mr.Aizawa.

Of course, I have free time, how about during lunchtime? I have a good recommended Japanese restaurant.

And Eryk presses the 'send' button, it doesn't take a long time for his phone to vibrate again.

From : Aizawa

Lunchtime? Sure, and Eryk-kun, I have told you to call me Aizawa-san.

Eryk slightly pulls his lips upwards after reading the email from Aizawa; he's such a kind middle-aged man. He is lucky to be able to meet Aizawa, almost everyone who handles the auction didn't believe him because he is young and relatively new, fortunately, while lonely drinking wine on the deck of the ship brought them together.

Eryk gives their appointment time and starts to change his clothes to get ready.


Eryk returns to the club after receiving an email from Rainer to get here. Honestly, he is unwilling because he still wants to prepare for the meeting with Aizawa, the word 'emergency' changes that.

Eryk tries to stay calm as much as he can, emergency and cannot be said through phone doesn't mean bad news.

Before carrying the unconscious Gaea out of the club, he orders Ferdinand to be on guard, there is nothing to worry about.


Eryk opens the door to his workplace, there is already Rainer there waiting for him.

"Eryk," calls Rainer with no energy.

Eryk can tell that something is wrong from Rainer's voice, "What's wrong?"

"I have done what you ordered me to do," said Rainer while checking his phone again, his eyes dimming again seeing the result of his work, "I think something is wrong ..."

"What do you mean?" asked Eryk.

Rainer cannot believe he will say this, "Gaea might hack your laptop."

Eryk's eyes widen suddenly, "What!?"

Rainer was just as shocked when he found out about it, but the footage of the camera, as well as the hacking time, were the same, so there is a little only a little chance for it to be a lie. His heart and mind don't want to believe it, but the evidence says otherwise.

"I can't believe this," said Eryk. How can Gaea be the one who hacks his laptop but warns him to check his laptop at the same time? That doesn't make any sense, "Are you sure?"

Rainer looks away. No matter how much he wants to say 'no', he can't say it, "Yes."

"I think you missed something," Eryk still doesn't want to believe, "are you sure you have checked everything?"

"I did," said Rainer, a second later remembering something, "although it is a little bit strange that the footage after Gaea touched your laptop is gone ..."

"You cannot find her?"

Rainer shakes his head.

Eryk sits in his working chair and begins to turn on his laptop, hoping for another clue, "Do you know what Gaea is looking for?"

"Uh ..." What should Rainer say? "Gaea didn't look or steal anything, I guess she just wanted to crack the password of your laptop, you know she has had a big curiosity since childhood."

"Just cracking the password, huh ...?" Eryk mutters softly, turning his chair left and right. That's weird, really weird ... A second later his brain is reminded of something, "Except ...!" Eryk swiftly pulls the drawer under his desk and grits his teeth when he finds out that the sensor wasn't working, then takes the suitcase that is inside, different, the security code in his suitcase is still active, then he presses the password then 'enter', a small sound is heard indicating the password is open.


Eryk opens the suitcase slowly ... and is furious to know that it is empty.

'Gaea ...!'