
Gaea has arrived at the door of her apartment, her eyes feel so heavy, but she's afraid to go inside because she is sure that Lola and Ava are very worried after checking her phone and seeing so many calls from her two friends.

'Damn, anesthetic drug.'

Yesterday was really the worst thing that ever happened to her after writing her last assignment for the semester.

Being a sexy dancer, then drugged, the next day being threatened by her boss not to tell anyone about the incident.

Can this day be any worse...?

Gaea exhales. Nothing is worth thinking about, let what has happened, happened, what is done cannot be undone, but one thing that is certain from this problem is that looking for a new job is the best option.

Gaea knows Eryk didn't say anything and just sent her home, but she feels Eryk's secret is deeper than what she thinks, so she doesn't want to get involved any further. She will miss the handsome face of his boss—her eyes roll. Missing? Such an arrogant man cannot be missed!

The image of Eryk as someone who is quiet and sweet perished as well last night, Eryk is nothing more than a man who loves himself.

And now Eryk doesn't deserve to take away her time. Gaea exhales again, then slowly turns the knob carefully, lessening the sound of the door so it won't be too loud, hoping that her two friends are still sleeping, as it's nine in the morning, but her hope is gone when her eyes see Lola and Ava standing not too far from her while folding their arms, both of their facial expression are also the same which is frowning in annoyance.

It seems that the goddess Fortuna is not on her side.

"Where have you been?" asked Ava in annoyance.

"Do you know the use of cellphone, woman?" this time it is Lola who asks.

Of course, they are still angry, what did she expect? Hug?

This is her own fault for being careless.

Gaea hesitates whether, to be honest, or lying, earlier she had said bravely as a lion that no one can order her around. On the other side, knowing that Eryk's words are intimidating, showing that he is not kidding discourages her from being honest.

"Hello~" Lola is waving her hand in front of Gaea's face, "I am waiting," she said, "Were you having so much fun seeing handsome men in the VIP room?"

Hearing the word, having fun, awakens Gaea's memory fully, turning her brows to crease in annoyance.

How can Lola act innocent while hiding a big secret from her? What kind of friend is that? Even if it's for her sake, that is still wrong.

Gaea finds an excuse to divert their attention, "Yeah, I had so much fun," said her with a small grin on her lips, "I mean, why not? The man who hired me is my boss, Eryk."

Lola's blue iris turns round, it is unexpected, "Eryk?"

Gaea nods as a response, watching Lola's every move, holding her arm which is a sign of habit when she is nervous indicating that what she said is right. She tries not to sound disappointed, "Satisfied? I want to sleep."

"Are you going to sleep at this time?" asked Ava in disbelief. Was it that great to dance in front of Eryk? Her brain wonders whether or not Gaea gets a huge tip.

"I am tired," said Gaea.

"I hate to say this, but we have to shop," said Ava.

Shopping? Gaea is not in her mood, "There's Lola."

"Looks like you forget," said Ava. Yikes, Eryk's influence really made Gaea forgetful, how great is it going to be? "We're going to Shanghai this afternoon."

Silent ...

"Aaahhh ...!!!"

Gaea forgets.


After being told, Gaea hurries to tidy up her belongings from clothes to toiletries.

Gaea can't believe that she is going to Shanghai, since she was a child she always thought she wouldn't be able to travel abroad before getting a promising job. She is really grateful for the kindness of Ava's parents giving a free ticket to Shanghai.

Gaea initially refused because she feels bad about it and she also doesn't want to be considered friends with Ava because she is from a rich family, but Ava keeps persuading her and Lola, so they will go to celebrate the Chinese New Year there.

She and Lola finally melted because they couldn't stand Ava's powerful puppy eyes.

Even though they agree, Gaea and Lola gives condition that they will pay for their pocket money or other things, considering that the tickets were quite expensive even though they were being discounted.

Of course, Ava refused several times even though in the end she agrees.

After making sure that everything is in order, not a single thing is left behind, they got out to buy clothes for Ava and Lola while Gaea is only accompanying.

Gaea has no reason to buy new clothes and shopping might help her take her mind off from the fact that Eryk is not 'cool'.


Gaea lifts her head a little and gapes seeing Lola wearing a knee-length black dress, which made her gapes not because of how beautiful it is or the glitter in the dress, but Lola's cleavage showing through the V-shaped neck of the dress.

"How is it?" asked Lola while turning her body around cheerfully giving her two friends a look.

"Good ..." said Gaea.

Ava agrees by nodding her head.

"Your face doesn't say so," said Lola.

"I am honest, "said Gaea, "I just don't really like it being so open."

Lola rolls her eyes. Typical of Gaea, preferring elegant clothes, different from her who is sexy, "I want to try something else," she said while pulling the curtain of the changing room.

"Dear God," Lola still wants to try something else? Just looking for her clothes takes 2 hours, has Lola forgotten that they are leaving in two hours? Knowing Lola that is a shopaholic, Gaea decides not to protest, she is just tired of sitting in the changing room while walking around the mall, there are no clothes or anything else that catches her eyes. She rises to her feet, "Then I want to buy a drink," she said, "Do you want something, Ava?"

"I am fine," Ava refuses.

Gaea understands and walks out, stepping out to find her favorite drink, occasionally glancing at the shop next to her. All the shops are decorated with a Christmas theme because tonight is Christmas Eve, even the song played at the mall is all I want for Christmas is you.

Gaea finally arrives at her favorite drink shop, and luckily, the line isn't too long for her. Maybe this is her luck because she was brokenhearted last night.

It doesn't take a long time, Gaea arrives at the cashier to order green tea, then after that takes out a few bills from her wallet and gives it to the cashier.

While waiting for the order to be made, her eyes wanders through the building, and at that moment her eyes accidentally catch something unusual in the crowded area where people pass by.

'My eyes aren't wrong? Or is it really Rainer?'

Gaea isn't sure because Rainer doesn't greet her although their eyes meet just for a second.


"Oh," Gaea realizes that her green tea order is ready, she swiftly takes it and walks to where Rainer was last seen, it doesn't take a long time to find that Rainer is entering the music shop? Without realizing it her small footsteps enters the shop as well.

Different from other shops, the music shop is not too crowded and there are only a few people.

Gaea spots Rainer's striking height easily among other customers, choosing cassettes in the classical group.

Gaea is surprised to find out, thinking that Rainer prefers the rock genre from the style of his clothes that are mostly dark.

Reminds herself not to judge a book just by its cover.

Gaea sees Rainer move to another shelf, she wants to follow but she realizes that curiosity turns her into a stalker.

'I am pathetic.'

Gaea finally gives up, choosing not to bother Rainer moreover the man hasn't seen her yet so she just has to turn around and leave—"Ouch ..." Her face accidentally bumped into someone's body when she turns around. She strokes her nose that hurts the most, "I am sorry."

The person who bumped into Gaea lets out a burst of small laughter.

'That voice ...'

Gaea recognizes that deep voice, the sound of laughter that has stunned her last night, her head tilts timidly—and is greeted by a small smile when their eyes finally meet, and it really is Rainer.


"Looking for me?" asked Rainer.