Sudden Marriage Proposal

Gaea furrows her brows, "What do you mean?"

"I want to talk to you," said Eryk, "it's important."

Gaea rolls her eyes. There he goes again, this Mr. Selfish, fortunately this isn't the working area so there's no need to chitchat, "I don't want to talk."

"Gaea," called Eryk sharply. Don't try to test him.

However, that has no effect at all on Gaea. Who cares? Besides, the plane will leave shortly, "I still don't want to," said she freely, "finally I can take a vacation away from you Mr. Eryk, I wouldn't possibly miss it."


How can Gaea give up her vacation to Shanghai for Eryk? If the happening last night didn't take place she would gladly obey.

Remembering not seeing Eryk's arrogant face for the whole week makes the spirit in her rise again.

"Gaea, this is important," Rainer takes part in persuading after a long silence, usually he doesn't like to interfere, but seeing that Gaea's and Eryk relationship looks heated he decided to join in persuading.

Gaea yawns unaffectedly, "I don't care Rainer," said her, "I've been played enough," she continues coldly, "now can you guys go?"

Why is it so hard to find peace?

"Don't play around, Gaea," said Eryk, "I just need a little bit of your time, after that even if you want to go to the end of the world, I don't care."

Gaea thinks Eryk is not in a hurry?

In an hour Eryk will meet Aizawa, and Gaea's childish behavior is making him furious.

Who put them in this position? Gaea.

And also, why is Gaea always making things more difficult?

Gaea is really angry this time, Eryk really hurts her heart, "I don't want, now go or I will call the security guard!"

Eryk loses control of himself, "Don't mess around, my situation is more important than yours."

Gaea takes it as a challenge for her, so her eyes glance around looking for security guards, and finds two, they are talking to a tourist, maybe giving directions, "Help, officers! He is trying to hurt me!"

"Gaea!" called Eryk in frustration. This woman is driving him crazy. He talks as calm as possible, but Gaea wants a fuss?

Gaea just laughs even when Eryk is starting to be pulled by the guards, sending winning love 'kiss' to that man.

Such a sweet memory.

On other hand Eryk cannot do much, his hands are tightly locked by the two airport security guards towards the security office.


Getting interrogated by the officer is something that he must avoid. He has to rack his brain to get out of this problem.

The meeting with Aizawa is also getting closer, cannot waste time in the interrogation room just to answer silly questions.

If there is even one mistake he makes, he is sure he will lose track of Kervyn again.

Eryk must find a way! Fast!

Something easy but makes sense and of course, advantageous for him.

A crazy idea pops in his mind—a crazy enough idea to make Eryk hesitates, but he doesn't have other option, he has to do it otherwise Gaea will leave with the diamond for the auction tonight.

"Let me go," said Eryk, "I am that woman's lover."

"Really? You don't look like that." Of course they won't believe it easily.

"I will prove it, if I have something that can put my girlfriend in danger, you can do anything to me," said Eryk, trying to negotiate.

"He is indeed that woman's lover, Sir," said Rainer trying to defend after staying silent for a long time, "they were having a huge fight to the point it makes Gaea want to go to Shanghai because she is sick of seeing Eryk's annoying face," he continues while trying to hold back his laughter when saying 'annoying face'.

Eryk's blood is boiling, luckily his hands are locked, otherwise Rainer's arrogant face will be gone before he finishes taunting him.

The two officers exchange looks, sending signals through their eyes whether to give a chance or not.

"Please, I cannot lose her," said Eryk sadly—acting, "if I don't stop her from going to Shanghai, I won't be able to find her again."

One of the officers take off his hands from Eryk's hands, "Man, I understand how it feels," said him sadly, remembering his memory with his wife who is out of town.

"Of course," said Eryk unexcitedly but his lips are grinning a little. Stupid.

"Alright, we will let you go but if we see anything wrong, you'll know the consequence," said the other officer, freeing Eryk's locked hand.

"You won't be disappointed," said Eryk with a wide grin, then walks back to where Gaea was the last time, feeling really relieved seeing that woman is still there, the corner of his lips pulled when Gaea's eyes widen seeing him back here.

"Why are you here!?" Gaea wonders. The two security guards are still there but they are standing at the back and neither locking that man's hands nor handcuffing him.

Eryk takes a deep breath.

'Think of Gaea as Katherine. Katherine.'

Eryk's eyes open, his gaze is serious, "I know you're mad at me, Gaea," said him softly.

Gaea rolls her eyes as if to say: have you just realized it?

Eryk narrows his eyes in displeasure; just because it's outside of work, Gaea can just trample his pride? He wants to get rid of that arrogant face before exhaling to calm himself.

Stay calm.

"If you go ... my days will feel different without you,"Eryk starts to act again, "even this morning when I woke up and you're not by my side, I realized how empty my heart was."

Gaea's mouth falls open. What is Eryk talking about?

Waking up not on his side?

Has Eryk lost his mind?

Yes, Eryk has started to lose his mind.

Eryk stares straight at the green iris in front of him seriously, as if he could see through Gaea's heart, the gaze that manages to make blush appears on her two cheeks, "We do fight a lot, possessive of each other, but we can get through everything, which means that our feeling is stronger than that."

Gaea is starting to feel uncomfortable, it's not just Eryk's gaze that radiates love for her like a woman that means so much to Eryk, but the beautiful words from this man also melts her heart, once again.

Gaea knows this doesn't make any sense, but she is too stunned to resist and just follows Eryk's play.

"That is why I want you to stay by my side every day," said Eryk while taking something under his black jacket, a small red box.

Gaea is speechless, covering her mouth that is wide open when Eryk opens that red box showing a white ring with a red diamond on it in a pear shaped cut.

"Gaea Silva ..." called Eryk softly, then kneels on one leg, "will you marry me ...?"