You're Mine, Gaea

Gaea is speechless, the airport atmosphere turns hectic because of Eryk's sudden proposal, all stop their activities to see both of them.

Gaea cannot hear the sound of people shouting 'answer' or 'yes' not even her friends, Lola and Ava behind her, her brain is still blank—she cannot believe Eryk does something this extreme.

Every woman certainly wants to be in her position, who doesn't want to be proposed in a public place like this?

Gaea herself likes it, but this proposal is fake, it is not genuine although she admits that Eryk's words touch her heart.

"Accept! Accept! Accept!"

Gaea regains her consciousness, now confused on what she should answer—being proposed in a public place puts enormous pressure on her.

'Should I answer yes or no?'

Gaea glances at Eryk who is still on his knee waiting for an answer, as if he understands the confusion on her face, Eryk answers through a mouth movement.


Which means it should be rejected.

Gaea feels refusal is not the right answer, if she does it, the people here will boo her for breaking the heart of a handsome man like Eryk or did Eryk plan to make her appear bad in the eyes of people ...?

Gaea is furious.

If Eryk wants her to fall, she will make sure Eryk falls with her too.

So, Gaea gives the sweetest possible smile, then says sweetly, "Yes! I will marry you!"

Cheers and applause fill the airport after hearing Gaea's answer.

"Congratulations! May the two of you be happy!"

Gaea feels bad for lying to all of them, and some even shouts 'relationship goals' or 'perfect couple'.

'Perfect couple', what?'

Gaea waits for the still-shocked Eryk, throws her glance around and pauses when she meets Rainer's eyes looking at her with grief, giving a questioning look, but knowing that he's being stared at, Rainer looks away.

'Did I do something wrong?'

Maybe Gaea should have a chat with Rainer once this fuss is over.

Eryk wakes up from his heavy shock after feeling his shoulder getting tapped, turning over his shoulder to see who it is, of course who else will it be if it's not Rainer. He straightens himself again, looking at Gaea who smiles sweetly like an angel, realizing that woman has fought against him twice.


Him. Eryk Enzo.

No one has ever dared to fight him before like Gaea, there is Lola, but it is not that bad.

Eryk starts to act again, "I am the luckiest man today," said him as sweet as possible, taking Gaea's right hand, then inserting that ring on the that woman's ring finger which surprisingly fits Gaea's finger though he is expecting it to be smaller so he can get back at her by forcing her to wear that ring, Gaea's finger is the same size as Katherine, "I cannot wait to see you sleep next to me again, baby," he said with a small laugh, "Even though you tend to snore loudly ..."

Gaea is shocked.

What ... did Eryk just make fun of her as a snorer? No way! She never snores, as far as she knows, so far Lola and Ava don't complain about it.

Gaea does not want to lose, "I can't wait to see you sleep next to me too," said her, "even though ... you like to fart when you sleep, baby."

This time it's Eryk who gets annoyed, his brows furrow in displeasure. Gaea thinks she can beat him? What a dream.

"You're so cute, baby," said Eryk while chuckling, "even when you wake up with hair like a lion even then you still look beautiful."

Gaea clenches her fist to hold back her emotion.

Whose hair is like a lion?

"You're cute too, babe, even with the dripping drool while you sleep," Gaea still doesn't want to budge.

Eryk also clenches his fist. He is never like that!

Eryk and Gaea throw a death glance at each other indicating that no one wants to give up on each other.

"Weird couple."

Eryk was the one to end their hateful gaze.

No matter how much Eryk wants to fight, he can't, not having another weapon to fight is also enough, his image is destroyed.

The sooner this is over, the sooner Gaea will be in hands.

God knows how Gaea needs some lessons from him.

"I love you," said Eryk gently.

Gaea is a little bit shocked, "I-I love you too," she replied shyly, not expecting Eryk to reply like that, indeed his words are fake, but her words are genuine. She doesn't expect to confess her feeling even though she is sure that Eryk thinks of it only as nonsense.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

Gaea's cheeks heat up at once.

Kiss? Kiss?

Kiss Eryk? Eryk?

Gaea glances shyly at Eryk through her lashes—and looks down knowing that Eryk's eyes are still on her.

Gaea wants to say 'no' but seeing Eryk makes her reflexively fix on his natural pink lips.

What should she do?

Eryk, who has been watching Gaea faces down deeply, confused; why does Gaea look so shy? Isn't it normal? Or ... that woman has never?

A bright idea pops in Eryk's mind, the idea to take revenge on that woman, "Let's do it, baby," he said with a small grin, "we'll show them how 'in love' we are."

Gaea is shocked upon hearing him and a little bit annoyed at Eryk who does whatever he wants, doesn't he know that she feels uncomfortable? And is Eryk still not satisfied with the chaos the two of them made?

Why obey the words of strangers? Who are they?

Gaea was about to protest, but before she can express her feeling, Eryk got closer to her, "Wha—!" Before she can finish her words, their lips touch making her heart jump at once, feeling as if she was electrocuted by Eryk's soft lips.

Eryk's soft kiss makes Gaea's body stop rebelling, slowly closing her eyes and begin to Kiss Eryk's back that she always dreams of every night.

Eryk's kiss was so careful yet so aggressive at the same time, reflecting Eryk himself, and it is exactly the same as what she dreams of, that Gaea wonders whether this is an acting or not.

Whatever the answer is, Gaea cannot stop, really enjoying every second of it.

Eryk is the one who ends their kiss, which is followed by boisterous applause from people as well as 'congratulations'.

Gaea doesn't care about it at all, there is only Eryk and their kiss on her mind at the moment, even when that man holds her hand tightly leading her out of the airport, she silently obeys it.

Eryk lets Gaea get into his car as gentle as possible while holding back his wide grin from appearing on his lips.

Gaea is sitting behind the driver, still lost in the fantasy inside her head until she realizes that Eryk locks her up with his two big arms at the side of her head.

"You really enjoy being Cinderella, don't you?" asked Eryk coldly.


"But sadly, 'the magic' from the fairy is over," said Eryk pretending to sympathize, picking up the strand of Gaea's brown hair, and with his wide grin said, "you're mine now."

Gaea's body freezes.

Is it too late to say sorry?