What a Fun Day

Gaea is shocked to hear it.

Is it too late to say sorry?

Of course.

What kind of stupid question is that? The bomb has been dropped, so prepare for all kinds of damages.

"Don't act as if I am a murderer," said Eryk.

Gaea musters up the courage to take a glance at Eryk.

"Where is that ring?" asked Eryk without further ado.

Gaea gasps. Ring? So that ring belongs to Eryk, not Lola? Then why was it in Lola's work jacket? What happened between Lola and Eryk?

Until now Gaea has not found the answer from Lola, they were busy packaging things and shopping for the necessities in Ava's hometown. She has the intention to talk about it after the new year, she does not want to ruin the happiness of Ava's family.

"Gaea," called Eryk impatiently, "I need it, you don't know how important it is to me."

Gaea immediately racks her brain, recalling what had happened. After she got home, tidying up clothes for the preparation to go to Shanghai—"My vacation!" she exclaimed in panic.

"We can go back once you say where the ring is," said Eryk. Who cares about vacation at this time? Aizawa's trust in him is on the line now.

Gaea checks her watch then looks out the window. It is true that they are not far from the airport. She is trying to remember again after tidying up her clothes, taking off her clothes—oh! "I left the ring in the basket for dirty laundry ..."

"What?" Eryk couldn't believe what he had just heard. A diamond as expensive as that in a basket for dirty laundry? "Let's go to Gaea's apartment, Alex."

"What!?" Gaea exclaimed, "hey, take me to the airport first!" she protested after giving information about the ring, why should she come as well?

"We will come back after the ring," replied Eryk completely not interested.

"B-but ..." the vacation, money and her clothes are also in the suitcase, and it's all in the airport! The distance to the airport is also quite far, no matter how fast they return, they won't be able to catch up, "get me out of here! You already got the information, why must I come as well?"

"The security system in your apartment is sophisticated, I don't want to waste my time breaking into it," explained Eryk abruptly.

Gaea gasps. How could Eryk find out about the security door in her apartment? Eryk has never been there, did Alex tell him? Even so, it is still strange to have to remember the security of the door of her apartment, considering that she and her friends are just ordinary employees at the club.

There is something suspicious. But first ...

"I don't care about your time! I want to go back!"

Eryk, who has been trying to stay calm since earlier, is finally provoked by Gaea's annoying voice, quickly grabs Gaea's chin, lifts it up so she will look at his piercing eyes, "Listen, who is the one to bring us into this mess? You hacked my laptop and took the ring—"

"I didn't break into your laptop!" exclaimed Gaea. What kind of talk is that? She fainted before opening, how could she break in when she was sleeping?

Eryk has lost his mind.

"Yes, and I am a little kid ..." taunted Eryk softly, "for a bartender, you really get the guts to mess my system."

"But ..." Gaea keeps trying to convince him, glancing at Rainer asking for help, but the man doesn't look at her at all, focus on the road in front of him with ear phone in his ear, "I didn't do that! Why did I tell you this morning if I was the one who stole your ring!?"

Eryk thinks for a moment. What Gaea said is not fully wrong, it makes sense, he didn't believe it at first either, but the evidence is too strong considering that Gaea has the ring, "I reject your protest."

Gaea clenches her fist tightly, "Why don't you believe it? I wouldn't do it to you!"

Eryk begins to lose interest in this conversation, "Give me a reason why I should trust you?"

Gaea suddenly turns silent.

'Because I love you.'

It's not possible to say that.

"See?" Eryk grins a little. How to trust Gaea that turns silent when being asked for solid evidence? "so be quiet, and the problem will be easier to deal with."

Gaea's blood boils, indeed. She really hates Eryk and also the person who dares to blame her for the crime that is inflicted on her.

How can she get into this whirlpool of chaos?

Gaea does not want this although it keeps her close to Eryk.

What did she do to make it like this? Is this her fault too?


It's not her fault, someone who wants to hack into Eryk's data brings her here. She's just unlucky to be in Eryk's office, whoever it is, Gaea ensures that person will regret dealing with her.

Gaea is quite calm now, cannot go on being a stubborn woman who keeps rebelling against her boss, no matter how bad Eryk is.

Gaea hopes that Lola and Ava won't be angry for being left at the airport, leaving them confused about her relationship with Eryk.

Gaea is sure that they are heavily shocked, considering Lola and Ava didn't say anything after she answered Eryk's proposal, or after she got carried away by her first kiss with Eryk so that she did not hear the voices of her two friends—?

No idea.

Gaea is sure that she would be completely interrogated. All her belongings are at the check-in section, including her phone.


"We have arrived."

Gaea glances outside and raises an eyebrow in surprise to know that Eryk's car isn't parked in the provided parking lot, but instead, it stops in front of the white skyscraper. However, swallowing her question and choosing to get out of that black car.

"You take her, Rainer," ordered Eryk coldly.

"No," replied Rainer quickly with his eyes still fix on the phone in his hand.

"Why?" asked Eryk in wonder.

"Isn't it clear? I don't want to make a scandal with your future wife," said Rainer mockingly, before Eryk reply, he shows his cellphone, "your proposal is viral in several media social," he explained, "congratulation for being crowned as the 'weird couple'."

Eryk grabs Rainer's cellphone roughly, reading while watching his proposal video, realizing what he had done. His idea unexpectedly goes viral, surprisingly it became a joke and memes even though some said that it was romantic.

Rainer can't help laughing at Eryk's frowning face, followed by Alex who has been listening quietly.

Not accepting being ridiculed, Eryk hits Rainer's and Alex's shoulder lightly using the cellphone in his hand, "I cannot believe this, I prepared those words for the whole month just to get it turned into meme's material!?"

And to make it worse, Eryk must think again because those words have been used to propose to Gaea.

What a fun day.

"I don't think you've read it until the end?" asked Rainer, "the reason you and Gaea became meme is because of your unique expressions of love for each other," he explained while laughing again, "generally a couple will praise each other's strength, but you two did the opposite, that is why it is funny."

"True," Alex agreed, "I mean, who likes the smell of their partner's fart?" he asked accompanied by his loud laughter until his body is shaking.

Rainer laughs as well remembering the memory.

"Oh ..." Eryk understands now, "she started it first, what will you do if you were in my position?" his eyes glance at Gaea who is still standing outside, "this one woman is driving me crazy."

"I think Gaea brings out the best side of you," said Rainer honestly.

His best side? Becoming a grumpy and impatient man? "Yes, you are right," said Eryk while rolling his eyes, "Get out, Rainer."

Eryk had enough of being the laughingstock.

"No," Rainer still refuses and even put on the ear phone to show his indifference.

Eryk, who is tired of fighting, gets out of the car, thinking who the boss is here.

"I can do it by myself," said Gaea.

"Just show me your apartment," said Eryk coldly. Can Gaea not protest? Doesn't that woman get tired of fighting him?

Why does Gaea hate him so much?

Gaea without answering, stepping into the apartment and entering the elevator, followed by Eryk.