Cheer Up, Gaea!

Gaea is not surprised when they arrive at a five-star Japanese restaurant considering this is a business deal for Eryk, her boss. She was even more amazed when she found out that the Japanese restaurant had a VIP room that was specially made for business or gathering without any other interference.

Every step Gaea can't stop admiring, the restaurant-style is so classic with VIP doors made of bamboo, opened by sliding too.

"You two wait in the next room," Eryk said, "and don't do anything weird. Got it?" he continued with a directed eye on Gaea.

"Two ...?" Gaea was confused. What does Eryk mean by waiting together? She will wait alone, right?

Eryk did not explain further, he chose to enter the room followed by Alex.

Gaea finally understood who she was with. She turned her head to Rainer who was beside her, and was confused knowing Rainer was not there, "Rainer ...?"

"I am here."

"Oh ..." Gaea heard Rainer's voice from another open door, and approaching, she did not go straight in, checking the inside first, peering behind the open door. Is Rainer really there or not.

Rainer was there, taking out a laptop in his black bag.

Gaea immediately sat beside Rainer, curious, "What are you doing?"

"Do my job," said Rainer without taking his eyes off the silver laptop.

On the laptop screen, Gaea saw a line of familiar words, "You hacked the CCTV here ...?"

Rainer glanced with interest, "I'm impressed you know about this," he said briefly continuing again his work of breaking into surveillance cameras on the floor they occupy.

"I studied a little," admitted Gaia shyly, "why are you doing this? Wouldn't it be easy to keep an eye outside?" And again breaking into surveillance cameras is not easy and fast, they have to find the IP address and the hardest thing is to find the password and name of the camera, if it doesn't work, they have to hack it. That is what she knows, she doesn't really study hacking, that's why she is always amazed when someone is a Hacker or Cracker.

"Eryk asked me to do it," Rainer said, "he wanted to see if his new business partner was acting against him."

"He's too negative," said Gaea.

"You're the one who was too caught off guard, Gaea," said Rainer with a smile, "have you ever heard 'keep your defensive walls up to the end'?"

"Um ..." Of course Gaea had heard of it.

"You don't fit into our world," admitted Rainer, "that's why I can't believe you hacked into Eryk's office."

Gaea was stunned to hear that, and for some reason, her heartbeat rose a little knowing that Rainer believed she had not hacked Eryk's workplace data, "Thank you for believing in me," she said shyly, "when people didn't believe me," she continued sadly. For a while, she remembered the cold expression on Eryk's face.

Rainer saw the sadness on Gaea's face, the thing he disliked the most because it reminded him of when Gaia used to play alone, with the same expression as now. Sadness. He said quietly, "I know what you are like. I know you very well."

"Huh?" Gaea didn't really pick up on what Rainer was saying because it sounded like a whisper in her ear.

Rainer smiled a little mysteriously in the reflection of Gaea's green eyes, "don't be sad, you are much cuter when you smile," he said with a gentle caress on top of Gaea's head.

Gaea did not deny that she felt calm and comforted by Rainer's touch and words. This wasn't the first time she had been praised for her smile, but when Rainer said that, it felt different. Maybe it's because her feelings are down now? So she is more sensitive? Or was it because Rainer was looking at her so gently? Make her feel special? She didn't know, she'd rather let Rainer cheer her up.

Rainer's touch was so familiar to Gaea, which was strange because they were touching and touching for the first time.

Rainer ended his touch when he found himself getting carried away after seeing Gaea watching him intensely. He put the wall back on himself high again, "So ... can you get away from me a little so I can concentrate?" he asked coldly.

Gaea puffed her cheeks in annoyance. Just a minute ago she felt flattered and special, now Rainer was cold to her again.

What's with this hot and cold Rainer attitude? Don't be the second Eryk!

Still puffing her cheeks, Gaea moved the seat opposite Rainer and checked the food menu here without noticing the faint smile on Rainer's lips.