The Meeting

"I apologize for my delay, Mr. Aizawa," said Eryk apologetically as soon as his feet stepped into the room knowing Aizawa was already inside accompanied by a half-finished cup of green tea, "You did your best while I let you down."

"Take it easy, Eryk-san," said Aizawa as he took Eryk's hand and shook it, "I also just arrived thirty minutes ago, haven't ordered so it's okay."

Thirty minutes ago, Aizawa said it wasn't that long? Is that how the Japanese were educated? All this time Rainer had always been on time, never having waited thirty minutes.


"Then, let me recommend the best menu here according to my promise," said Eryk as he sat on the black chair directly opposite Aizawa.

"Of course," said Aizawa.

"Alex," called Eryk, "called Chef."

Alex nodded, then walked out after muttering 'excuse me'.

"Chef?" asked Aizawa.

"I prepared the best. The Chef here will directly cook your order in front of you, Mr. Aizawa," said Eryk.

"Wow," Aizawa chuckled in awe, "I can't wait to see."

Eryk was happy to hear praise from Aizawa. It wasn't a waste of time for him to ask his business partners for recommendations, "So, shall we get started?"

Aizawa rested on his chin, "Of course."

Eryk put his suitcase on the table, then opened it, showing the pink diamond ring that was inside, "I want this auctioned at the end of the event," he said, "because I want to prepare the best at the end." And of course, this allowed him to have more time to check whether Kervyn was attending the auction or not.

"Oh," Aizawa's little black eyes rounded, "Is this 'The Perfect Pink' ...?"

Eryk nodded, "Yes, I also have a certificate of authenticity, there is a little difficulty finding the owner because the previous auction, she refused her name published," he explained, "but after a long journey, I was able to find this beautiful ring."

Aizawa put on the glove, then took the ring, raised it up while back and forth to see the authenticity of the ring 'The Perfect Pink', "Great, Eryk-san," he praised, "you got the deal," he continued while holding out his hand.

Eryk didn't immediately respond, his eyes were fixed on Aizawa's hand stretched out in the air.

Only that? It was strange that Aizawa didn't check the ring's certificate.

Eryk erased his negative thoughts, then finally shook Aizawa's hand. He smiled broadly, "I can't do this without the help of my coworkers behind."

"And your fiancee, right?" Aizawa added.

"Fiancee ...?" Eryk muttered in confusion.

"I saw your marriage proposal on the internet," said Aizawa, "that's why I understand you were a little late for our meeting."

"Ah ... that," Eryk muttered, although in his heart, he cursed that the video was starting to affect his work now, he should have asked Rainer to delete the video before it spread any further, but because his mind was chaotic, the idea did not cross his mind, "My fiancee is at home."

"I think I saw her from up here," said Aizawa unwilling to give up, "can you introduce her to me?"

Eryk frowned, feeling something strange. Why would Aizawa want to see Gaea? Gaea wasn't a celebrity or anything. Aizawa's desire to meet Gaea is much more interesting than their business.

'There's no way he's interested in Gaea, can he ...?'

Suddenly the thought of Aizawa being romantically attracted to Gaea made Eryk's heart strangely hot. Little Gaea, who used to be excited about seeing butterflies or flowers, has now grown into a very beautiful woman now, it is only natural that men will start to be attracted to her. He felt his cheeks warm.

Did he think that Gaea was such a beautiful woman?

He immediately calmed himself who was acting strange and said, "Sure, I'll call her."

"Can I come?"

Eryk refused by raising his hand. If Aizawa comes along then Rainer's job will be exposed and the deal will be canceled, "Sorry, but my fiancee is a little shy especially with strangers. I'm really sorry, Mr. Aizawa."


Eryk smiled a little before leaving the room, outside there was already Alex with Chef according to his request, "I want you to do 'your magic' on Gaea because I will introduce her to Mr. Aizawa."

Alex's eyes widened in shock, "What? Are you crazy!?"

"I have no choice, Alex," said Eryk. Introducing Gaea as his legal fiancee to his business partners was something he didn't even think about, never even did to Katherine, "You think I'm happy?"

"Whatever, man," said Alex indifferently, "you're going to fight with Katherine anyway."

Eryk realizes that he hasn't contacted Katherine at all about his fake marriage proposal, he hasn't had time to contact her because of his business meeting with Aizawa.

'It's not like I can change it.'

Eryk received the bitter pill and asked the black-haired Chef to come inside with him.


Gaea let out a deep breath. how long will she have to wait? It's been fifteen minutes. It's boring here even though the food is delicious,

Rainer had been busy working all this time without wanting to talk to her.

Gaea understood Rainer had to focus, but a conversation or two wouldn't hurt, right?

Rainer took a cup filled with green tea in it, he took a glance at Gaea who now only plays sushi using chopsticks with a bored face, "You can't be like that with food," he said, "Don't you know that many jealous people want to be where you are now?"

"I'm bored," Gaea complained, and of course she understood not to waste food.

"And I don't care," said Rainer coldly, "finish your meal, then we'll talk again."

Gaea folded her arms, irritated by Rainer's attitude. She thought, Rainer considered her as a friend after she helped Rainer find classic songs and also cheered her on earlier, but apparently, she had a very wrong thought.

Unable to stand being ignored, Gaea rose to her feet and walked toward the door in disappointment.

"Where are you going?" asked Rainer.

"The toilet," said Gaea coldly, "maybe I can find something interesting there." She glanced back and was even more disappointed to see Rainer leaning back and eating the sushi she played earlier, not holding her back at all.

'Rainer has really changed.'

Gaea rolled her eyes.

Why want to talk to Rainer if she can have fun alone?


Forget Rainer.

Gaea smiles broadly at the thought of some fun ideas on her own like going around looking at restaurants or having drinks in the bar area. She slid the door excitedly, "Eh?" She was surprised to find Alex behind the door, "What's wrong, Alex?"

Alex glanced at Gaea's appearance from top to bottom, which made her clear her throat because she was uncomfortable. He looked back into Gaea's green eyes, and lightly said, "We'll make you like a Princess."