The Best Choice for Gaea


Alex nodded, then said before Gaea could open her lips, "Honestly not."

"What?" Gaea didn't understand what Alex meant.

"I'm not a Fairy Godmother, Eryk told me to do 'magic' on you," said Alex, "he misinterpreted 'magic' I mean, my magic is not make-up but pleasure to satisfy women, babe."

"Too much information," said Gaea with disgust. She doesn't want to hear about Alex's personal life, especially his sex life. It doesn't do her any good, she has seen Alex flirt with women every night and sometimes even gets slapped for being too aggressive. A little entertainment for her.

"I don't agree with Gaea coming in."


Rainer approached the two of them, "Gaea has nothing to do with this, Eryk should know that, he can't just order people to do what he wants."

Gaea was stunned.

Why does Rainer care about her now? Rainer is so hard to figure out his way of thinking.

"I agree, Gaea is still innocent," said Alex, "but you know what Eryk is when it comes to Kervyn."

Rainer didn't budge at all, "And you know what I do when it comes to innocent people," he said firmly, even tugging Gaea gently behind him, protecting, "tell Eryk that."

Alex looked at Rainer for a moment before turning his back, "Whatever, man." He already did what he had to do.

"Rainer," called Gaea softly after Alex left, "you don't have to do all this," she said, "I don't want to be the reason for the split between you two." She was touched by Rainer's protection for her, but Rainer had no right to decide without discussing it with her.

Rainer shook his head. "I've been with Eryk for more than ten years, Gaea," he said, "believe me, you'll regret it if you enter Eryk's life," his eyes wandered upward, "I don't want you to be like me."


Don't want her to be like Rainer? What made her regret getting into Eryk's life? She's already into Eryk's life, right? Even so, she was a little happy that Rainer cared so much for her, that's cute.

They heard the sound of the door sliding, making their conversation interrupted.

"Rainer," called Eryk sharply, "stay out of the way."

Rainer didn't listen to Eryk's warning but instead pulled Gaea behind him to protect, "You know the consequences of this, right?"

"I know," said Eryk as he tried to take Gaea's hand, intending to take her inside with him, but Rainer blocked him. His eyes quickly darkened with anger, "Don't make me do what I don't want to do, Rainer."

"Don't do this," said Rainer no less coldly, "how many people have you brought into your trouble?"

"You ..." said Eryk sharply, "you know nothing."

Gaea, who had been silent for a long time, felt bad seeing the two men fighting because of her, "Rainer, it's okay, I'm fine," she said, standing in the middle of Eryk and Rainer.

"You heard her," said Eryk coldly, "you are nothing, so she has the right to make her own choices."

Rainer took a deep breath. He was disappointed that Gaea didn't want to listen to him. "I did my best for you, Gaia," he said sadly.

"I know," said Gaea, smiling softly. She felt Rainer's concern, but the fight between the two men would not end because she knew how stubborn Eryk was, not wanting to budge. She also didn't like seeing the two men fight, somehow it made her heart a little hurt, "but I know my decision."

"You don't know, Gaea," said Rainer in frustration, "Eryk's world isn't what you think it is."

"I'm still here, hey genius," said Eryk coldly, "and I'm not a criminal, why do you say as if you think I'm a dangerous man?"

"Because you are," said Rainer boldly.

"What?" Eryk muttered, his facial expression starting to get emotional too. How dare Rainer think of his that way.

Gaea hurriedly separated them again with her two hands, "That's enough! All right, I'll go. Don't fight anymore! You're all grown up!"

Eryk and Rainer fell silent, but their eyes still looked cold at each other.

Gaea looked at Rainer with a sweet smile on her lips, "I'll be fine. Don't worry."

Rainer looked at Gaea for a moment, gesturing through his eyes: are you sure?

Gaea understood and nodded.

Rainer exhaled, and returned to his seat, accepting his failure. He's been working hard, but if Gaea still chooses Eryk, what can he do?

I'm so pathetic ... or am I too soft if Gaea directly asks me ...?'

Gaea watched Rainer guiltily because she preferred Eryk.

Eryk watched Gaea in silence, and once again, his heart was strangely hot. He somehow didn't like the gaze of Gaea's eyes on Rainer. What's wrong with him? He has no feelings for Gaea, but why does his heart respond differently? As if there was some lingering feeling ...? He stopped his thoughts that returned to analyzing weird things, "We don't have any more time," he said, tugging at Gaea's hand softly, "my business partner has been waiting a long time because of that useless fight."

And because of this, Gaea is not prepared at all, Gaea still wears casual clothes, not the formal dress Eryk wants.

Eryk had thought about bringing Gaea downstairs to get the dress he wanted, but because of lack of time and not sure what dress Katherine would fit, made him cancel his intentions.

"Do not say that!" exclaimed Gaea angrily, "Rainer was just trying to protect me."

"He speculates too much, I just want to introduce you, not invite you to commit crimes," said Eryk.

"Introducing me ...?" Gaea asked curiously.

Eryk muttered as he slid the door to the room where Aizawa was, "You will find out."

Gaea said nothing more, but a second later, she felt Eryk's hand wrap around her waist. She didn't like it and tried to let go, but the more she tried, the tighter Eryk's hand gripped her slim waist. She finally gave up, and let their bodies touch which made her heart pounding because she was close to Eryk until her nose was filled with the man's warm perfume.

She may still be annoyed at Eryk for being treated so cold last night, but the feeling of love is still there today.

"Sorry to wait so long, Mr. Aizawa," said Eryk softly, then his eyes fell on Gaea, "She's so shy, I have to seduce her first."

Gaea understood now what Eryk was talking about. She did not deny being a little nervous because for the first time she was officially introduced as Eryk's 'fiancée' to other people, especially Eryk's business partner.

"So this is your fiancée?"

Gaea's eyes immediately fixed on a black-haired man with a few gray strands, walked over with a big smile on his lips, but somehow she felt something strange about that smile.

"What's your name, hime?" asked Aizawa.

"Gaea," said Gaea, holding out her hand.

"Ah ... a beautiful name for a beautiful woman too. Nice to meet you, Gaea-san," said Aizawa, shaking Gaea's hand warmly, "Eryk-san praised you so much, he said that you wanted to be his personal secretary."

What? Did Gaea hear correctly? Private secretary? Seriously!