A Small Request from Aizawa

Gaea's eyes are on Eryk but he doesn't want to look at her. In the end, she was forced to follow the scenario made by Eryk, "Yes, I don't want to be apart from Eryk. I want him for myself~ I want him to only see me~" Even though it was only acting, what she said earlier contained a deep confession of her love for Eryk.

She never once get Eryk's attention even though every month she was chosen to be one of the best employees at the club.

The last time they could chat was when she was on a club job entry test, at that time, Eryk was testing in the last part of the test.

Eryk was a little surprised to hear it. He didn't ask Gaea to say that, and for a moment, he was amazed by her natural acting. He also decided to follow what Gaea had planned, "My fiancée always wants to get my attention more than anyone, that's why in our previous fight, she wanted to go to Shanghai because she was mad at me for being too busy working."

Of course, Eryk will make a good image of himself while she's bad, don't he know if she's having a hard time playing this fake fiancée?

"Is that so?" Aizawa asked, "We'd better discuss this over our meal if Gaea-san doesn't mind my invitation."

"I'm fine," said Gaea, "I'll gladly accept Mr. Aizawa's invitation."

"Arigatou," Aizawa replied softly, then returned to his seat.

Eryk gentlemanly pulled the chair beside him so that Gaea could sit down first, then himself.

Gaea is a little grateful that the food this time is not French food or anything that requires a knife and fork, fortunately, Eryk's business partner is a Japanese person who uses chopsticks because she is not good at using knives to cut meat.

Gaea thanked Ava for patiently teaching her to use the chopsticks.

"So how long have you two known each other?" asked Aizawa curiously.

Eryk did not answer immediately. His eyes wandered deep into his past, where he and Gaea had first met. He hesitated a little at first, but finally, he said what was locked so deep in his heart. A first impression of meeting Gaea for the first time, he explained slowly and softly, "Me and Gaea met at a cafe near her campus when I was about to have lunch. There, she was a woman who really stood out because of her innocent face, especially the color her eyes are emerald. Those emerald eyes that sparkle beautifully with a sweet smile on her pink lips, make me hypnotized right away, and without realizing it, in my heart I want to ask for her number, protect that smile ..."

Gaea was at a loss for words when she heard Eryk's explanation of herself, she knew it was just acting, but her heart did not deny that it was melting. She did not think that others would praise her eyes.

Her eyes are indeed emerald green which is quite rare. She wondered about the problem with her different eye color. Her parents told her that it was God's gift to her, so she should be grateful, not complain about the difference. After all, her parents always praised her eyes as very pretty, even wishing they could have the same color as her eyes.

She is always happy to get praise from her parents. And now that Eryk was praising her, her feelings of joy were a little different from how she felt when praised by her parents.

Gaea took a deep breath, calming herself down. She cannot be weakened by praise. She reminded herself that the compliment was a lie.

'Focus, Gaea ...'

"I reject it of course," Gaea opened her lips, she didn't want to lose. How could she let Eryk have fun let alone step on her pride? "he looked so arrogant, so I refused to give my number," she continued, rolling her eyes.

"Even though you end up crazy about me too, baby," said Eryk, refusing to budge either. He couldn't believe that Gaea responded coldly to him after his praiseworthy comment.

"Of course," Gaia responded casually, "you were even crazier about me that you made that marriage proposal."

Their eyes met each other sharply.

"That ..." Aizawa was confused about what to say. What are Gaea and Eryk talking about is sweet, but their eyes give him a strange impression? He cleared his throat, "interesting in my eyes ..."

Gaea forgot that if Aizawa was here, her annoyance at Eryk blinded her eyes and made her forget her surroundings.

"You really are a different woman, Gaea-san," Aizawa said, clapping his hands, "can we take a photo together?"

"Eh?" Gaea was a little surprised. Photographed? Did her act touch Aizawa's heart so much that he asked her to take pictures?