Playing with Fire

"With Eryk-san of course," Aizawa added.

With Eryk?

Gaea certainly didn't mind, the only problem was Eryk's answer now. Even if Eryk refused, she would still agree. It's just a photo after all.

Eryk hasn't said anything.

Why did Eryk take so long to answer Aizawa's offer? Aizawa is an important person, wouldn't something like this be good? Their relationship could be close as work partners!

Eryk himself was at war in his mind. Should he give permission or not. Suspicion filled his head again if Aizawa was romantically interested, this time much stronger.

Does anyone ask ordinary people for photos? Moreover, just met. If not love, is there anything else?

Eryk's heart grew hot at the thought of that possibility. His eyes were intense on Aizawa's face, who was staring at Gaea with a smile on those wrinkled lips. He didn't like Aizawa's gaze at Gaea, as if he forgot that Gaea hadn't been introduced for five minutes as his fiancée. He wanted to reject it, but if he did that, there was a high chance their work agreement could be canceled.

What should he do?

Eryk doesn't want the opportunity to work with Aizawa to be lost, but he also doesn't want Gaea's photo to be used negatively.

"Eryk ...?" Gaea called softly.

Eryk blinked, realizing he had been silent for too long. He let out a deep breath.

This photo problem got too deep into his mind.

He frowned.

'If this old man doesn't realize his position, then I will remind him.'

Eryk put his hands around Gaea's waist, pulling her closer until their bodies touched. He tilted Gaea's body so that his hand, now moving sensually along Gaea's spine, could be seen by Aizawa's eyes. He looked at Gaea so gently as if it were so precious to him, "Baby, do you really want to?"

Gaea didn't answer. She held back from moan because Eryk's touch was so sensual on her back, making her cheeks feel hot like the skin on her back right now.

Why did Eryk do this? If it continues like this her body can melt away, she can't fight back, wants to ask for more.

'No! I can't be weak! Thinking logically Gaea, he treated you badly yesterday!'

Eryk's touch was wrong in every way!

With that emphasis in her heart, Gaea returned to her logic. She also smiled softly, "I don't mind, Eryk," she said as sweetly as possible, removing the hand that had been moving hot on her back. She grabbed it tighter because Eryk wanted to touch her again. She gave him a glare for three seconds, letting him know she didn't like being touched.

"I see ... if that's your choice then I agree too," said Eryk softly, but inside he was annoyed because he didn't get the answer he wanted. He was amazed why Gaea wanted to take a photo with a stranger like Aizawa, and also he was not satisfied with wanting to show Aizawa that Gaea was his alone. He was surprised at himself.

Gaea is his ...? What he did was right to show that Gaea is his fiancée, but Gaea is his ...? Eryk felt the word was too deep.

Eryk could feel his cheeks heating up again. He took a small breath. He started to think weird again. He already has Katherine. Gaea is no longer the woman in his heart now. Gaea is the past. Awake, remember. Remember. He felt the heat on his cheeks disappear after he repeatedly reminded himself, his expression turned calm again, "Can you take a picture of us, Alex?"

"Thank you, Eryk-san, Gaea-san," said Aizawa with a warm smile on his lips.

"Sure, I don't mind," said Alex, then he received Aizawa's cell phone, and began to aim the camera at the three of them.

Gaea immediately took a two-finger pose, until finally, she felt Eryk's hand around her waist, making their bodies touch again, making her a little nervous, but she decided not to refuse this time because Eryk's hands this time didn't do anything wrong, after all, they were 'engaged'.

Alex took the pictures several times, making sure Aizawa had plenty of options before handing it back, "It's done, Aizawa-sama."

Aizawa happily accepted it, he checked the photos taken, and was satisfied with the results, "Oh," his eyes saw the telegram message notification, "Ah, sorry, Eryk-san. Another client is waiting for me."

"It's all right," said Eryk.

"I have to go," Aizawa said, "we'll meet at the auction tonight."

Eryk nodded, and they shook hands before Aizawa walked out of the room. He asked the Chef to leave when finished serving the menu, "I think we have to make a new plan," he said after the atmosphere was quiet in the room.

"I don't believe him either," said Alex.

"What makes you think that?" asked Eryk.

"I think that's obvious? He's not bringing anyone along to meet us," said Alex.

Eryk also realized it, "Is he doing double negotiations?"

"We'd better check Rainer's job first, see if there's anything weird," suggested Alex.

Eryk nodded and the two of them rushed to where Rainer was.

Gaea hesitated for a moment, before finally following the two men.

Why is doing business so difficult? Stabbing each other.