Different Opinion

Gaea, who didn't want to interfere in Eryk's business, preferred to wait outside the room. Nor did it do her any good knowing what Eryk's business was.

'Eryk doesn't mind that either.'

Gaea glanced at the clock on her wrist.

There was still a long time to land her friends' plane, she wanted to quickly contact them, remember all her belongings were there, and also clear up the problem of misunderstanding between them. She could not contact this second because there were regulations before the plane departed, the cellphone had to be turned off because it could interfere with the flight.


The sound of the door opening brought Gaea out of her deep thoughts.

"Where are we now?" Gaea asked when she saw Eryk and the others starting to walk toward the elevator.

"We're back home to prepare for the event," said Eryk.

"Oh ...?"

It seems as suspicious as Aizawa may be, the auction still can't be canceled, maybe because the show starts tonight?

"Wait," Gaea remembered something, "I lived alone in my apartment until New Year's, so you guys have to drive me home so I can change the security of my door." And she believes it will take quite a long time because the security of her apartment room is very sophisticated, she also has to report to the apartment owner about the burglary.

"Who said you lived there, babe?" Alex asked.

"Um ..." Why did she have a bad feeling about this?


Gaea never expected that she would visit Eryk's private house so quickly, she always thought she could only visit if she had a close relationship with him. Her eyes kept on focusing on the cream painted house with a light gray roof decorated with several trees to give it a green impression, unfortunately, the trees didn't have much effect because it was winter, and covered in snow.

'Eryk's house will be much prettier in the spring.'

Gaea's eyes turned to a white-haired man in a black suit standing in front of Eryk's house, which opened as if waiting for someone.

When Alex parked the car in front of the house, the man who was standing immediately came over to open the car door where Eryk was.

"Mr Eryk, welcome home."

Eryk got out of his car, "Yes," he said simply, "has my order arrived, Sebastian?"

The man named Sebastian nodded respectfully, "Yes," he said as he opened the door for the others including Gaea.

Gaea got out of the car slightly raising her eyebrows in confusion as Sebastian's black eyes widened at her for a few seconds before returning to normal.

'Just my feelings or is he shocked to see me?'

"Is Katherine here or not?" asked Eryk.

"She was here, then left again," said Sebastian, "Miss Katherine looked annoyed before leaving."

Eryk gritted his teeth in frustration. He was sure Katherine already knew the fake marriage proposal video, so she got angry. He was also sure that the reason he didn't get any news from her was because of the video.

'I've accepted myself into meme material, but this really affects my personal life.'

Eryk sat on the living room sofa, and began typing an email for Katherine asking to meet, when he finished, he took a heavy breath.

"I can rest a little at last," Rainer said with a small yawn.

"You haven't slept at all?" asked Gaea anxiously, only to notice that there were dark circles under Rainer's eyes.

Rainer's dedication to work is amazing.

"Not yet," said Rainer as he sat next to Eryk, and began to close his eyes.

Gaea was shocked to see Rainer sleeping in a sitting position, "Hey, it's not good for your health."

Rainer glanced at Gaea for a moment, then closed his eyes again, "I forgot we have a stepmother now," he muttered.

"What!?" Who is the stepmother? She only cares about Rainer's health!

"Instead of fighting, you better get ready," said Eryk.

"Me ...?" Gaea pointed to herself innocently.

Eryk nodded slightly, "You will accompany me to the auction."

"Why should I?" asked Gaea.

"Duh," Eryk can't believe that Gaea still doesn't understand that the situation has changed because of her decision at the airport, "you're my fiancée, remember? Aizawa will be suspicious if you're not with me."

"Oh," Gaea understands now, "can I not come?" she asked softly. She didn't really like being in a crowd of wealthy people talking about business.

Eryk looked at her as if to say: are you serious? Then he rose to his feet, "I forgot I had a meeting with my co-worker so I had to go," He glanced at the clock in his hand, "and when I come back, I want you to be done dressing up Gaea."

Gaea patted her forehead. Of course, Eryk wouldn't agree, just go ahead and rule casually. Even though it was annoying, she realized that Eryk left her alone in this big house, which means she is free to do anything without getting angry, right? "Sebastian, when will Eryk be back?" she asked curiously.

"Mr Eryk is likely to come in in two or three hours since this meeting is discussing the auction as well," Sebastian explained, "only possibly Miss Gaea."

Gaea jumped happily from her seat. Two hours was enough for her to have fun alone.

"Don't think nonsense."

Gaea was a little surprised by Rainer's deep voice. She forgot that if he didn't come with Eryk this time, maybe Eryk let Rainer rest, or maybe the business partner Eryk met now is trusted, "I don't," she said, "I just wanted to go around for a bit." Being able to see her boss's house was a rare thing, how could Gaea waste this golden opportunity? And if she was lucky, she could find a little bit about the woman named Katherine that Eryk was talking about.

There was no answer from Rainer, instead, she heard a soft grunt escaping from his lips which gave a hint of approval for Gaea.

Gaea excitedly started walking around, and unconsciously stepped into the dining room which used modern elements, the furniture and walls tended to be white and dark gray, as a sweetener there were two large vases filled with real roses on the side of the living room divider to the dining room. And the most interesting thing is the long black dining table which has seven chairs.

Gaea innocently counted on her fingers how many members of the Enzo family, "One, two, three ..." To her knowledge, Eryk was the second child, but she didn't really remember Eryk's brother.

'That's three more. Who else is it for? Is it brother Eryk?'

Gaea suddenly remembered that Eryk's father, Xander, was a generous person, often doing charity work, especially regarding protection for young children and women, because of this generosity, Xander's face often filled the daily newspaper she read in the morning. She has also watched Xander having dinner with orphaned children.

'Mr Xander is really kind-hearted, and his caring nature for others is also in Eryk. I've read in magazines that Eryk likes to donate his blood.'

Gaea, feeling uncomfortable with her thoughts, decided to return to the living room, but as she walked towards it, between the two curved stairs was a large photo that caught her eye.

The photo is probably Enzo's family ...?

Xander looks younger in the photo, there are no gray hairs on his blonde hair and wrinkles on his face, indicating that Gaea's guess is true. Even more interesting, Xander was surrounded by six young children ...?

Gaea immediately recognized the little boy with short blonde hair and sky blue eyes on Xander's lap, she was 100 percent sure it was Eryk, and she couldn't stop being amazed at the sight of the cute little Eryk showing an innocent smile on his lips.

'Eryk went from being a cute boy to being an annoying man.'

Her eyes glanced at the other little boy and was a little confused.

'Is this my feeling or are they all Eryk's subordinates ...?'

Gaea was sure the little brown-haired boy standing next to Eryk was Alex, and the two black-haired kids were Rainer and Ferdinand.

What happened?

"They are all Mr. Xander's adopted children except Mr. Eryk."