Lunatic Shop

"Pet shop!?" Rainer looked surprised before turning to worry, "why?"

"I'm going on vacation at Ava's house so I left my cat there," explained Gaea excitedly.

"Oh," Rainer understood at once. He didn't feel uncomfortable when they talked about Ava. He himself has no problem with cats, on the other hand, someone might panic, "Poor Eryk."

"Did you say something?" asked Gaea.

Rainer shook his head with his eyes fixed on the asphalt road.

Gaea swore that Rainer said something whether it was swearing, complaining, or pleasure? She shrugged nonchalantly and looked back out of the window to make sure the pet shop was not overlooked.

"Ah, there it is, Rainer." Gaea pointed to a small, flashy pink shop flanked by skyscrapers. Above the door was a sign that read: Lunatic pet shop.

Rainer looked for a parking space because the shop didn't provide parking space, was forced to park on the shoulder of the road that had been provided, then took a parking ticket at the machine, "I hope we won't be long because it's only allowed to park for an hour."

Gaea nodded in understanding, "I won't take it long."

"Hm ...?" Rainer answered casually, took out his cellphone, checked to see if there was anything new.

Gaea thought for a moment, leaving Rainer here alone wouldn't be good, "Why don't you come too?"

"Me?" Rainer was so shocked.

Gaea nodded, "I think it's better to see cute animals than playing on the phone alone," she persuaded him, smiling as sweetly as possible.

"I don't really like animals," Rainer refused, his voice sounding indecisive as if there was something to hide.

Gaea rolled her eyes bored at Rainer's attitude of putting too high a wall on her. She shamelessly held his hand tight, "You're going to like this. I'm sure," she said, pulling his hand to follow her.

Rainer couldn't fight back, Gaea's hands were tight around him, making sure he didn't refuse to enter the pet shop building.

"Welcome to Lunatic," said a young woman with black hair politely greeted, her eyes widened when she saw Gaea enter with Rainer, "Gaea? Why are you still in New York?"

"I canceled my departure and chose to celebrate Christmas here, Nadine," said Gaea.

"Ah!" Nadine remembered something, "You just proposed, of course~" she said, "I wouldn't even want to go abroad if the one who proposed to me was that handsome~"

Gaea coughed nervously at that, obviously her friends knew that the woman in the video was herself, Eryk said her full name too, "Just give me my cat, Nadine," she said, trying to change their conversation.

Nadine nodded, "Wait a minute, okay?"

Gaea nodded.

"Gaea, I thought it would be better if you kept your cat here," Rainer opened his lips, his voice worried.

"Why should I?" Gaea asked, surprised, "I'm already here alone, it's okay to bring my cat, right? It's not a big problem."

Rainer scratched the back of his head nervously.

Gaea could see the worried look on Rainer's face, "What's wrong?"

Rainer prefers silence.

Gaea rolled her eyes. Typical Rainer always gives an ambiguous message, "I'll bring Bintang whether you like it or not."

"Bintang?" Rainer wondered by the name, it sounded foreign to his ears but liked it because it was unique. He was curious about how many languages ​​Gaea can speak.

Gaea nodded once, "My cat's name is Bintang, you know Nadine, she is from Bali, she taught me the Indonesian language," she explained excitedly, "Bintang means star, you know?"

"Oh, Bali, yes ..." Rainer knows that. Eryk was there doing business, but he thought Bali was a country, "but Indonesia? I just found out Bali is included in Indonesia."

"Hey! Bali is included in Indonesia," said Gaea, raising her tone a little, "even though I just found out from Nadine too," she continued shyly.

"Who feels embarrassed now?" said Rainer mockingly.

"Oh, shut up," said Gaea sharply but her cheeks still blushed with embarrassment.