Moving In

When she got to Eryk's house again, Sebastian was waiting in front of the house, and warmly greeted, "Welcome home Mr Rainer and Miss Gaea."

Gaea got out of the car before Rainer and Sebastian could open the door for her, "It's great to be back," she said, trying to sound as enthusiastic as she could.

"Let me carry the case, Miss Gaea," Sebastian said, offering.

"Are you sure, Sebastian?" asked Gaea. Her suitcase was heavy, she felt didn't need help because she was young and stronger.

Sebastian nodded his head, "This is my job, Miss Gaea. It's okay."

"All right," Gaea finally wanted to hand over her pink suitcase, then she moved to take the pet cargo with Bintang inside.

Sebastian was curious about what Gaea was holding, "If you don't mind, what's inside the pet cargo that Miss Gaea is holding?"

"Oh, this?" Gaea lifted the pet cargo in her hand, "This is my cat."