Dress Up

Gaea sat in silence while the maids made up her face and painted her nails.

What choice did she have? Nothing.

Gaea herself chose this, so of course, there's no point arguing about refusing to take part in the auction.

It took two people to play tango, right?

Gaea exhaled.

"Please don't move too much, Miss Gaea."

Gaea obeyed like a cat that had just been fed. She hated every second of her life right now. She already said that she could do her own make-up, but Eryk refused.

'How can Katherine survive with Eryk's controlling personality?'


Gaea checked her finger which was painted red, she was amazed by the skill of Eryk's maid.

"The make-up is also done, Miss Gaea."

Gaea stood to see the result of the work of Eryk's servants. Eryk chose natural make-up, only her lips were given the same red lipstick as her nail polish.

"Please choose a dress that Miss Gaea likes."