Little Change?

Gaea said nothing, her eyes were fixed on her feet, she couldn't believe that she was now in Eryk's arms even though he only wanted to comfort her, her heart was beating fast. She was sure her face was flushed red now.

'Is it okay like this? He's dating Katherine. Doesn't he think that if his girlfriend sees us like this, her heart will hurt?'

Even though Gaea felt comfortable in Eryk's arms, she thought she wanted more. She can't, "I'm feeling better, so let me go."

Eryk didn't say anything, he obeyed Gaea's wishes, let go of his arms, then sat on the long chair, "Hey, Gaea ..." he called softly.

"Hm ...?" Gaea answered casually.

"What if I stop doing business?"


Only one word in Gaea's mind when she heard the question, "Why ...?"

"I'm always chasing someone who has taken something precious from me, so I dragged you and the others into my troubles," said Eryk sadly.