Little Information

Gaea took a deep breath. If she continues to respond, this problem will not be resolved, "Oh yeah, I have information about Aizawa. I don't know if this can help find Katherine, but there's no harm in trying, right?"

Eryk's face turned serious after hearing her confession, "You met Aizawa at the auction?" Gaea nodded slightly, "I didn't tell you right away because I didn't want you to lose your focus, Eryk."

Eryk lowered his head. Gradually he began to understand why Gaea was in the party room. Why did Rainer disappear all of a sudden. It's all because of Aizawa. He was absolutely sure Aizawa and Kervyn were working together, "Tell me the information you got."

"Aizawa told me that he was going to attend the auction in two days on a cruise ship," said Gaea, "I don't know if he was lying or not, but I'm sure he was telling the truth."

"How can you judge him telling you the truth?" Eryk asked, "He could lie to you. You're not a close friend of him."