Pretty Liar

Gaea smiled brightly at her best friend, without thinking she immediately descended the stairs, "Lola~ welcome back~" she said warmly, her hands opened wide, ready to hug Lola, "I miss you so much~"

Lola turned her head, and finally saw Gaea who was approaching her with a smile she wanted to destroy with her own hands. She raised her hand a little, "Stop right there. Where's Eryk?" she asked coldly.

"Eh ...?" Gaea immediately stopped approaching at Lola's orders. She was confused by her best friend's behavior which had changed drastically.

'What is the effect of jet lag? Impossible.'

Eryk finally came out of the dining room, unable to stand Lola's screams, "It's still early, but you've been looking for a fuss."

Lola clenched her fists when she saw Eryk's innocent face. All the emotions she held back for one day exploded as well, "You! I spent eleven years keeping Gaea secret, but you did something embarrassing like that!?"