Little Different ...?

"Is that so?" Katherine asked, "I feel the same way."

"Of course," Eryk responded quickly, "You made me feel 'love' once again, and this time also feels 'loved'." He glimpsed Gaea's face, but this time there was no response. No pain, sadness, or longing. None. He tightened his arms as well as gently stroked her black hair, "That's right, you changed me into a better man."

"Hm ..." Katherine muttered, "I love you."

"I love you too," Eryk replied softly, "Shall we go?"

Katherine nodded.

"Oh," Eryk remembered something, and immediately showed it in front of him, "This is for you."

Katherine accepted it and breathed in the fragrance of the fresh roses, "Thank you very much~"

Eryk smiled softly, "Then shall we go now?"

Katherine repeated her answer, and let Eryk take a soft grip on her hand, leading her to the yacht.


"Wake up~"