Secret Promise

Eryk saw the bowl filled with oatmeal and blueberries, but what made his eyebrows raised was her breakfast menu just like him, "You want to eat this?"

Katherine nodded, "I like it too~"

Eryk knows it's not true because she likes sweet, very different from him, "Katherine, you don't have to push yourself. You just eat what you like."

"But I want to," said Katherine, puffing out her cheeks in annoyance, "I've been struggling to make this breakfast~ I want to eat it~"

"Well if you still want to, I won't force you," said Eryk gently stroking Katherine's cheek, "I'm just telling you, be yourself. We don't have to always have to like the same things."

"Of course~" Katherine responded softly too.

Seeing Katherine's bright face because she was happy with him, made a smile on his lips appear, "I know I told you this already, but you're the perfect girlfriend for me, baby."