The Real Reason

While in the car, there was not much to say.

Eryk did not want to break her concentration on driving. He only answers briefly when he gets questions. During that, he spent more time checking his cellphone for messages from Alex and Ferdinand. And he hopes there is great news from the person who 'kidnapped' Katherine.

'If it was a normal kidnapping, I would have had the latest news such as a request for money or something of value, but there are none.'

Eryk will wait until tomorrow, if there is no news, then he decides to attend the auction, he will ask Alex and the others in the house just in case.

'Yes, for now, that's a good plan.'

"Eryk," Gaea called softly after their car stopped at a red light.


"I forgot to thank you," said Gaea softly.

"About what?"

"You feed Bintang, don't you?" Gaea asked, "I'm so glad you still accepted him."

Eryk raised an eyebrow, "What are you talking about? I didn't do anything."